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Rachel Pov
I was going to care of magical creatures, with The Monster Book of Monsters in my hands. I'm always the first one there, so I had a conversation with Professor Hagrid.
"Hi Hagrid"
"'Ello ms Delacour. Wha' brings you here so early. It doesn' start until fifteen minutes!"
"Oh I just carry a bag with me." I replied. Evantually everyone else came too. Draco came to me and put an arm around my waist. I just smiled to myself, knowing that I'm his, always.
Harry's turn with BuckBeak was amazing. He got to fly it! I was laughing and clapping, and Draco has a look that he's... Jealous?
"Enjoying all the attention Potter?" Draco said loud enough for Harry to see. Harry just ignored him, and went back to holding on for dear life. He soon got down, and I just hugged him.
"You did so well Harry!" I said, his arms still around my waist.
"Thank you Rachel." Harry said.
"No problem." I replied.
"You're not bad are you, you great ugly brute." A voice behind me said. Draco was going to BuckBeak. I gently rubbed his arm, but he shrugged it off. I was looking into Harry's eyes with worry, his arms still around my waist. I turned my head to see Draco clutching his arms and whining, "It's killed me! It's killed me!" I slipped out of Harry's arms, and went to Hagrid to help him to the hospital wing.
---at the hospital wing---
I heard him whining and clutching his arm.
"Oh, I'm sorry about BuckBeak." I said immediately.
"W-what? Oh, it's alright." Draco said. I  hugged him gently.
"W-what's gonna happen now?" I asked.
He put my hand in his free one and said, "They're gonna kill BuckBeak." I was now crying in my hands, in front of Draco. I didn't even care. We're best friends!
"No. They can't. BuckBeak is innocent!" I said in between sobs.
He the lifted my chin up to make me look at him.
"There was nothing I could do about it." Draco said.
"Wha–" I was interrupted by a soft pair of lips on mine. It was sweet and gentle, that's the way I like it. He had his free hand to cup my cheek, and mine rested on his shoulders.
He broke away, feeling disappointed.
"I'm really sorry. I know you want to take it slow, but I just really needed to do that." Draco said.
"It's alright. You weren't wrong about me taking it slow, but it's still okay." I said, placing a kiss on his cheek, and leaving.
---The Great Hall---
"Hi Harry! Hi Ron!" I said cheerfully. Hermione sent me a glare while I sat in between the two boys.
"Honestly, what has gotten into you Hermione?" Ron asked her quietly. She rolled her eyes and walked away.
"So, what have you been up to?" Harry asked me.
"I just visited Draco in the hospital wing."
"And we had a conversation."
"Harry, what do you know that I'm not telling you?" I said, blushing.
"That you two kissed." Harry said, going wide eyed and covering his mouth. I was wide eyed too.
"You– you saw us didn't you? You were spying on us?"
"W-well, not s-spying." Harry said.
"Honestly I never thought you would even mind." I said.
"No. No I don't mind I just... I just..."
"Spit it out Harry."
"Ijustloveyouandiwasjealous." There was a pause.
"You are jealous?" He nodded slowly, blushing.
I laughed.
"Harry, we're just friends! He just kinda slipped it out. You don't have to be jealous over anything. I'm single!" I confessed. He just hugged me. As tightly as humanly possible. Man people really like hugs I thought.
"Black lake?" He whispered in my ear.
"Of course!" I responded.
We were at the black lake, talking, and me trying to throw pebbles, and him teaching me how. He had his left arm around my waist, his head at the crook of my neck, and his right hand handon top of mine where I was holding the pebble.
"You throw it like this! Not like that!" He said, laughing. I started laughing at myself for failing so badly. We just became a laughing fit. A little while later we were under the tree, him telling me stories about the dursley's.
"And I had no meals for a week!"
"Just because your hair grew back overnight?"
"Yeah!" Harry answered. My head kind of hurt, so I rested it on Harry's shoulder. He rubbed my arm soothingly. It was relaxing. It was a great night.
Draco Pov
I was looking through my sneakoscope. I saw Rachel's head test against Harry's shoulder. It made my blood boil. My face probably is so red that Weaslebee's hair probably looks white as snow. I should be the one Rachel's shoulder is resting on. I should be the one making her laugh. I should have asked her to come with me to the black lake. Ugh! And it has to be with Potter!
"Potter! Trying to steal my girl aren't you? Well it's not going to work. She's mine. All bloody mine." I said out of the bushes.
"D-Draco what are you talking about?" Rachel asked me, standing up as well.
I had a realization.
Maybe she wasn't mine.
Maybe she didn't like me.
Maybe she might have like someone else the whole time.
Maybe Potter.
"Y-you're not mine?" I asked whispering in her ear so only she can hear me. She began to tear up.
She looked at Potter, and back at me, and back at potter. Then Potter stood up.
"What did you do this time Malfoy?" Potter asked me.
"Why are you so concerned about something that isn't yours?" I asked, pulling Rachel close to me.
"Maybe I might have claimed her already." Potter replied, pulling Rachel close to him instead. Those words made my heart shatter into ash like peices.
I began to soften up, and I may even be teary eyed.
"Rachel, you're not his. Please tell me you're not his. Out of all people. Please be with me. I...I..." I said, taking her hand, her really close to potter.
I didn't care that my enemy was seeing me like this, but I plain out sobbed, tears falling from my face onto her hand I was still holding.
"Please Rachel. Please! I swear I'll do anything! Anything at all! Please be mine! Please be mine! I'll treat you better, like a diamond! I'll be a good person I swear! I need you in my life! I–I love you!" I said.
I couldn't take it. I didn't care Potter was still there, but I crashed my lips onto Rachel's. She kissed back, thank Merlin. I was still crying, not believing what was happening.
We eventually pulled away. The four words I didn't expect, but secretly hoped to hear slipped from Rachels mouth.
"I love you too."

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