bad romance.

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When I was fifteen, there was a boy that I liked. He was really sweet and seemed to look past my skin tone. His name was Michael and he would carry my books and walk me to class. He was the only guy who never made remarks about my complexion. He never let it prevent us from hanging out or talking to each other.

After a month of pestering my friends with what to do, they finally said that maybe I should ask him out. They said it really seemed like he was feeling me and it was obvious that I was feeling him. So I did.

"Hey, Michael!" I said, trying to catch him in the hall.

He stopped and waited for me to catch up. "Hey, Mya. What's up?" He asked as I bounced to his side.

After I confessed my admiration for him all he could say was: "Oh."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm already black. I don't date dark skinned girls. I only date white girls and occasionally yellowbones."

I frowned and my heart sunk. I wanted to run away, but my feet prevented me from doing so. I froze.

Michael sensed my dejection and rubbed circles in my back, then sighed. "Don't feel down. You'll find someone. I mean you're still fine. For a dark skinned girl."

Fine for a dark skinned girl. "So if I were white, you would date me?"

"I mean, yeah."

I pushed past him. "Wow."

"Mya, wait."

I turned around. "Shut up, Michael." I remembered his five-year-old little sister who is dark skinned as well. "Imagine someone said some dumb shit like that to your little sister."

Silence. I rolled my eyes and walked away from him.

Another time. It was two years later and I was seventeen. I was working at Subway and my shift was over, so I left the establishment. As I was walking towards my vehicle, I noticed a group of boys standing in the corner. As I approached, the scent of marijuana could be identified. I ignore them and quicken my pace hoping they would not attempt to speak to -

"Aye!" Maybe that wasn't directed towards me.

"Aye!" I looked around but I was the only one there.

"Aye, I'm talking to you Subway girl." One of the guys came running towards me.

"Hey what's your name, baby? You are so beautiful. Could I get your number?"

"It's Mya and I'm not interested." I said nonchalantly. I kept walking faster, but he managed to keep up.

"That's okay. We could just be friends, baby," He said.

"Great offer but no thanks," I told him. I was tired and all I wanted to do was get home.

"Fine, have it your way, you nappy headed ass black ass bitch."

He continued yelling obscenities at me, even after I pulled out of the parking lot. It was hard to drive home with tears blinding my eyes.


I really hate guys like this. They always think you're beautiful until you show no interest in them. Then they get offended and try to slander you. Don't act like you weren't tryna holla at me .2 seconds ago.

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