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I am eighteen. The end of the school year is drawing near and both teachers and students are beginning to neglect responsibility. Plus, it's senior year. The students don't give a damn anymore and neither do the teachers.

I walk into class just as the bell rings, then take my seat. The teacher announces that we'll just watch a movie today since he doesn't have anything planned for us. The class cheers and he asks one of the students to turn off the lights. After the lights go off, I hear:

"Damn, where did Mya go?"

"She dark as shit. I can't see her."

"That black bitch blends right in with the dark."

All of this followed by some snickers and akikis. I looked around at everyone having a laughing fit. Everyone but I. My skin color was the butt of the joke.

I walked out of the room unexcused, completely disregarding the consequences. No one could see me anyway. I was invisible.

The same year, over the summer. I was in a café sipping on some lemon water. I had nothing to do in particular so I just scrolled through my phone while drinking the cool beverage.

I looked up for only a second to see a fair complexioned boy staring at me. Freckles danced across his face. I figured he'd never seen a black girl before the way his facial expression was set up. His thin papercut lips stretched into a smile which confused me, but I returned the act out of kindness.

I returned to what I was looking at on my phone. After I finished my drink, I got up to leave, setting my phone into my purse. I noticed the boy who was staring at me from before was coming in my direction, but I kept walking to avoid social interaction.

"Hey!" He yelled. You would think that if someone made direct eye contact with you then hastened their pace, such an intellectual human being would use their context clues and decide against talking to you. Wrong. Dead wrong.

I turned to face him, "What?" I demanded, coning out a little harsher than intended.

"I j- just really th-thought -"

He was wasting my time and I really had a scheduled nap that I was looking forward to. I am tired and I don't have time for this. "J-J-J, th-th-th, you can't speak?"

"You're really beautiful." He blurted out.

I gave him a skeptical look. "You think so? Dark skin doesn't put you off?"

"I'm colorblind. I don't see color."

My whole body is color. Unmistakably colored. Head to toe. Every inch, every ounce of my skin is color. I thought about the class movie incident.

"Colorblind? So you can't see me?"

so apparently wattpad fucked up. this was supposed to be posted before 'new leaf' but oh well... the next chapter is the last. thanks so much for supporting my story. i love you all <3

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