Chapter 20

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William woke up with a jerk, furious with himself. He had slept through the entire afternoon.

After quick bite to eat he decided to walk around the town. He was trying to retrace what would have been his steps back to the hotel after that night with Adam.

Starting from his room, William scanned the hallways to Adam's room which was locked by the cops. Then he moved to the driveway and out of the hotel grounds looking for clues.

When he approached the bar he stopped. Dana was going to strangers with a picture in hand and talking to them. Then she spotted him and when towards him.

"Hey!" She said, smiling.

"Hello Dana." William said. "What are you doing here? Are you lost?"

"Oh no, I'm just looking for someone. Have you seen this guy?" Dana asked holding up a picture of the young man. It was Aaron.

"No idea, I'm new here so...." William lied. He had a bad feeling about Aaron and did not want her near him for the time being.

"It's ok." Dana said, pushing the picture deep into her bag. She looked very upset but she tried to hide it.

"Where is your family." William asked, looking around as thought he would find them standing nearby.

"In the cornwall maze." She replied. "My brothers were really excited about it."

"Dint you want to go in the maze?" William asked. He knew immediately it made her uncomfortable.

"I just thought I would use the time to find my friend." Dana said.

Suddenly a thought came to William. Dana has been looking for Aaron for days, Aaron definitely knew about this because he saw Aaron coming out of her mother's room the previous night, after Dana had some sort of breakdown in the reception area.

This means that he does not want to be found but is keeping a close eye on her. So the only way to find Aaron was to stay out of Dana's way and look for someone spying on her.

"I hope you find him." William lied. "I have to go now, see you later at the hotel."

"Bye." She said as they parted ways. William went back down the street and Dana wandered in front of the bar.

He lost sight of her soon after because he was looking around at the buildings and trees in the area.  Then he found what he was looking for. The man in the red shirt, watching them from behind the dumpster across the street.

"Aaron, you have got some serious explaining to do." William thought angrily, sneaking up on the guy from behind. But before he could forcefully turn him around and say anything he noticed the heavily bandaged hand.

"Adam!" William gasped.


John was getting impatient but he was trying to hide it. It was getting dark and still no news from Cristy about Adam. She needed to find Adam before Aaron could realise his brother is missing.

His wife Helen was throwing him nervous looks, she didn't want him to go out of control because of his temper. Last time he lost his temper was just two nights ago, which brought attention to the media.

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