Chapter 31

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William paced the hospital room where Eric slept, David had gone to get them some food.

A safe place. That's what he needed, a safe place to hide David and Eric while he goes back to the hotel to investigate Frank's clue.

But he was new to this town, everyone he trusted was seriously hurt. He hadn't been able to get in touch with captain Fields since the night he desperately called him for help.

"What happened to your friend, did you say his name was Frank?" David asked.

"Yes, I don't know." William answered honestly. "But I think he is in trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" David asked.

"I don't know. But he is not safe, even in the hospital." William said, chewing the spoon with an absent mind.

"Him too?" David said frowning. He found it hard to believe and was beginning to wonder if William was just a paranoid guy.

William however looked up when David said this. A look of revelation on his face.

"You are right!" He said. "This town is too small for so many mysteries."

"So then maybe my parents are ok?" David said hopefully. "And they are probably out there looking for us too!"

"No." William said "I think the people who took your family, hurt Frank and Adam too."

"Who is Adam?" David asked. William did not answer.

"What did your friend Frank say?" David pressed.

"I think he is he only one who knows who is behind all this." William said.

"And now he is in a coma!" David groaned.

"Medically induced coma." William corrected. "They probably attacked him because he knew too much but they don't kill him because they need something from him."

David sat down. This looked bad! What if he never got to see his family again? What if he had to take Eric and go back home alone?

Would they get tossed into the foster care system or would they have to go into hiding because the people who took his family would come after them too?

David looked at William seriously. He looked as terrable as David felt which was the only consolation at the moment.

"You look like you could use some sleep." David said.

"I'm fine." William said "listen, the doctors are going to discharge Eric soon so I thought it would be best to go back to the hotel for a while."

"Go back?" David asked, surprised. "What if whoever took my family finds us there."

"They won't." William replied. "You won't be going back to your room."

An hour later, they were back to the hotel at the men's quarters.

"This is my room, you can hide out here for a while." William said before turning to Frank's cupboard.

There was nothing but plain coloured shirts and pants, neatly pressed and folded into the shelves.

William tapped all the panels inside the wardrobe but nothing sounded hollow. He then pulled out the drawers one had a keypad locked box and the other was full of junk like keychains, cigarette boxes and gum.

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