iii. some things are better done with company

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Dana quickly turns around, tensing up, expecting to see a professor, or even worse, principal Tarren.

Instead, she just sighs and relaxes.

"Aren't you supposed to be at home, John?" she grins at the older boy.

"Change of plans," he says, hands deep in his pockets.

"Pass me one."

"Oh, but what would Monica say?" Dana fakes a disgusted, surprised expression, dramatically putting a hand over her mouth.

"Monica lets you do it, doesn't she?" he smugly raises an eyebrow.

"Can't argue with you there, Johnny-boy," she hands him the half-full pack.

"Thanks," he takes a cigarette and puts one end in his mouth, leaning closer, "Do you mind? I forgot my lighter at home."

She nods and lights his cigarette, and he immediately takes a pull.

"Hmm...." he mumbles as he slowly exhales once it's out of his mouth and between his fingers.

"So, you and Spooky?" he asks, causing Scully to suddenly inhale too fast.

She drops her smoke and uses her arm to lean on to the willow, coughing.

As her breathing returns to normal, she glares at John.

"Jesus, you almost made me swallow it," she says as she regains balance.

"Sorry. Just wanted to know," he steps on the almost-stub she dropped using the heel of his boot.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" she pushes the remains under a bush once John moves his foot.

"We're just lab partners, nothing more. Besides, it's not like I chose him myself."

"So, what do you think of him? So far, I mean," John asks, dropping his stub.

"He's okay, I guess," Dana replies, "a little annoying, but otherwise alright."

He nods, distantly gazing at the willow tree.

And again, all is quiet for a little. But it's a good kind of quiet, unlike the quiet in the cafeteria.

Because it's supposed to be quiet here, Scully thinks. It's so natural.

"I heard he gave you a nickname," John chuckles.

"Not really," she smiles, looking at the ground.

"What is it?" he interrogates.

"He calls me Scully. Instead of Dana, y'know," she answers.

"Ooh," he comically exclaims, "and did you give him a nickname?"

"He gave himself one. Just Mulder," Scully yawns, picking her bag up off the floor, "We should get going, class is about to start."

John nods.

"I'll see you later then, Scully."

"Say 'sorry' to Monica for me. I left without a proper goodbye," she props her bag over her shoulder, "Dogget."

"Got it," he holds the door open for her, and makes his way towards the History room once she enters the school.

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