The Bullies Can Go Away Now

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(A\N) Hello Earthlings!! This was requested by @Dipper_P1nes . I hope you like it! Now that school's back, I'm gonna start updating more. That's really all I have to say. ONTO THE SHOW!!

School. Everyone has their opinion on it. Some like to learn, some like to see their friends, and some just really couldn't care less. 

You would fall into that last category. 

You hated the way the teachers would drone on all day, making you zone out and miss things that  could be important. You hated the way that the teachers would make tests looks way harder than they actually were. And, most importantly, you hated the way that the people there made fun of you for your family.

You came from a rich family. You were your parent's only child, and they treated you much younger than you were. You kept telling them that people were messing with you because of this, but they just never took you seriously.

So, that brings us here, to the middle of the hallway during classes. You had went to use the bathroom, when Darcy and her gang came out from the corner of the hall. 

"Great. Just what I need." you said under your breath.

You kept walking, hoping they wouldn't notice you. You had no such luck. 

"Look girls! It's perfect little (Y\N)! Where are you going, home because you miss dear old mummy and daddy?" Darcy said, and all the girls behind her laughed. You kept walking, trying to ignore her, but then two of her cronies grabbed each one of your arms, and turned you to face Darcy. 

"Well, you can't just keep running home every time you miss them, can you? You're just a big baby, who can't do anything on her own. You thing you're so high-and-mighty with your rich family? Well, newsflash, you aren't anything."  Darcy said, getting right up in your face. You showed no emotion, but her words hurt. 


Darcy and her followers turned around to the source of the, well, you really couldn't call it a yell, more like a squeak. 

Standing there was Will Cipher. You knew him from some of your classes, but you two never really talked. He was known mostly for his stutter and his twin brother Bill, who almost all the girls were (not so) secretly crushing on. 

"Um, what do you want?" Darcy said, flipping her long black hair. (Like her soul.)

"L-l-leave her a-a-alone!" Will squeaked again. His hands were inside of his sweater and his artic blue hair fell into his eyes. 

"Aww, look! It thinks it can save (Y\N)! You know that people only know you exist because of your hot brother, right?" Darcy said, leaving you in the arms of her so called "friends."

Will just stood there, trying to look tough. 

"W-w-what's s-she e-ever d-d-done to y-you?" Will asked, gesturing one of his sweater paws to you.

"It's more the fact she exists, really." Darcy said. 

"W-w-well, h-h-how would y-y-you l-l-like it if s-s-she w-was d-d-doing t-this t-to y-you?" Will said in his interpretation of a yell. 

"Well, she's not, is she? She's too weak to stand up for herself. Look at this, the weakest guy in the entire school, standing up for a joke like her."

You had had enough. You flung yourself out of the two girl's arms and ran right at Darcy. 

"I AM NOT WEAK!" you yelled, grabbing her shoulders, "AND NEITHER IS HE!" 

You punched her right in the nose. Unfortunately for you, a teacher had come out at that exact moment to see what was going on. 

"(Your Full Name)! Darcy Elizabeth Madeline Smith!" the teacher said, pulling you off of Darcy, "What is going on here?"

"D-Darcy w-was a-attacking (Y\N)!" Will said, looking down.

"That's a lie! I didn't touch her!" Darcy said, holding her probably broken nose.

You realized that, technically, she didn't. 

"Well, both of you are coming to the principle's office with me. We'll sort this out." the teacher said, pulling you two off. "The rest of you, get back to class.

By this time, you really had to pee.

**After all the Stuff Goes Down in the Principle's Office**

Well, they looked at the video from the security camera, and they gave you two weeks of after school detention, and Darcy got off with half a day of ISS. 

Dang, life can be horrible sometimes. 

The next day, when you were putting books in your locker, you saw out of the corner of your eye the Cipher twins talking. You, being the person you are, decided to listen. 

You couldn't make out much, but you heard something like, "Just do it!" and, "O-O-Okay!"

You turned your head a little and saw that Will was walking towards you.

"H-Hey." he said, when he reached you. He looked down, his hands still in his sweater and his hair in his eyes. He looked quite adorable. 

"Hello." you said, closing your locker and leaning on it. 

He thought you were beautiful. 

"I-I-I w-was wondering i-if y-you w-wanted t-to d-d-do s-s-something a-after s-school?" he said, blushing a deep red. "I-I-If y-you d-d-don't t-that's fine-"

"Well, I do have detention, but I get off at five. I'll see you then." you said, giving him a little kiss on the (face) cheek and walking to class.

Will just stood there, rooted to the spot, blushing madly.

"Well, how'd it go?" Bill said, walking up towards Will. 

"I-I've g-g-got a d-d-date a-a-at f-f-five." he said in shock.

"See? I knew you could do it!" Bill said, slapping Will on the back.

Will Cipher x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now