V We Capture A Flag

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Rick Riordan owns all of the characters and Percy Jackson books. Some(most) of this chapter is copied straight from the book.

Over the next few days, I settled into a routine. I still liked life with the hunters better, but I have to stay at Camp Half Blood, I'd be able to manage it.

Chiron taught me archery, which I was already pretty good at from living with the huntresses.

Then, foot racing. I was able to run slightly slower than all of the wood-nymphs. (Slower than a tree. Kind of sad, right?) It helps to have lots of practice when hunting or running to the hunters' new camp. It took me a few months to get to the other hunters' speed. And they run really fast.

Wrestling? I was pretty good. Clarisse was the hardest person, but I would still beat her within seconds. She's been getting better because of that. She gets better every time. Of course, I managed to win without either of us getting any injury more than a few bruises.

I was really good at canoeing. Of course, I was good at it. I mean, I'm a son of Poseidon. I also had some practice whenever we needed to cross a river in the hunt. I mean, I could just walk through it, but the others would need a boat if the current is too strong.

Thursday afternoon, three days after I'd arrived at Camp Half Blood, I had my first sword-fighting lesson since I had arrived. Everyone from the Hermes cabin and me, from the Poseidon cabin, gathered in the big circular arena, where Luke from the Hermes cabin would be our instructor.

We started with the basic stabbing and slashing, using some straw-stuffed dummies in Greek armor. I did pretty good. Okay, I did kind of good.

I still couldn't find a blade that felt right in my hands. Either it was too heavy, or too light, or too long. Luke tried his best to fix me up, but he agreed that none of the blades seemed to work for me.

Good thing I had lots of practice with unbalanced swords. That's what I told Luke.

"Lots of practice?" He asked.

"Well, a demigod in the wild would need to fight," I had replied. "Especially a child of the big three. I could never find one that worked, so I had to learn how to fight with unbalanced swords. But I can also use these knives." I pulled out two of my knives.

"Let's get you ready with the best sword for you that we can find," Luke said.

"Okay," I said, putting away my knives.

We moved on to dueling in pairs. Luke announced he would be my partner.

"Good luck," one of the campers told me. "Luke's the best swordsman in the last three hundred years."

I shrugged. "I've had lots of practice in the wild," I said. "I might not be able to beat him, but I might be able to keep him from beating me."

The camper snorted.

It turned out that I was right. I wasn't able to beat Luke, but I was able to keep him from beating me. He was the first real challenge I have faced in a long time.

I loved it.

I smiled the whole time, and Luke did too. He was really good. But so was I.

Neither of our defences had a fault. Both of us knew a trick when we saw one.

Luke eventually called for a break. Neither of us had won, and both of us were sweating.

Everybody swarmed the drinks cooler. Luke poured ice water on his head. I was about to do it too, but I hesitated.

"Luke," I said.

"Yes, Percy?" He said.

"Would it be cheating if I poured water on my head?" I asked. "Water gives me more energy and stuff."

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