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An:I won't do many of these just when they are needed. So I have an interesting vocabulary so if you have a question about what something means leave a comment and I will answer it. I also need several more characters so just read the description for the info on that. I will be making a story similar but slightly different to this one soon. And I'm sorry for people who are waiting for an update on fandom high but the co-writers for that are all stuck in a writers block I will see if I can get the next chapter up soon. 

peace ~Ari

"How can you not believe that was me! It wasn't!I hate you old man. Some day you're gonna need me and I wont be there. And Gray how could you I thought that we were friends. I looked up to you and now you turn your back to me you are all big stinks." I yelled as my mark dissapeared and I ran out of the guild. 

(Time skip to Lucy's fight with angel)

Lucy's P.O.V.

"I was that one that killed Karen and Gemini here were the ones that pretended to be Ariana wolf and set fire to the guild hall all those years ago." Angel said 

I could tell that the name Ariana wolf bothered Gray and Natsu. When  we got back to the guild Gray and Natsu told Master about the girl  and a few of the nearby guild members heard and in seconds the whole guild was completely silent.

"Mira who is Ariana?" I asked 

It felt like my voice was projected through a loud speaker to make it louder.

"She was an Orphan Neko who was in the guild a long time ago. Everyone loved her and she loved everyone and If you took her blue pancakes she was scarier than Erza.  One day some one saw her setting fire to the guild hall and the next time we saw her she was banned from the guild Master removed her mark and she ran out of the guild crying. No one's seen her since." Mira replied sadly.

"Then we have to find her and get her to come back to the guild!" I said quickly  

(No One's P.O.V.)

They searched for years and never found anything. Then the master went ahead with the S Class trials and the tenruo island group dissapeared. Fairy Tail got help from many guilds until most of them gave up. At one point a group of six people appeared it was said that they could find any thing or one or do any thing. But they never showed their faces or had more than two of them in one place at the same time. This group was called Flamencia. Their leader never left their hide out but every one knew of her. She was called Nana. The second in command was Alpha. No one knew what sort of powers she had all they knew was that she had lightning blue eyes and hair that matched. Then next most powerful was Beta who no one knew much of at all. Then comes Omega, Zeta, Pandora, and Sun. (A/N: I need OCs for Pandora, and Sun. These names are their code names not their really names.)Flamencia helped Fairy Tail search for Tenrou island and those stuck there. So after the clock incident Fairy Tail called to Flamencia for help to find Ariana. The next day a rare thing happened.

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