Ed Weasley

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Ok, in this dream, My house was "wacky" to say the least. The floors were slanted, so was the ceiling and the roof, and everything was blue ;)

(As you may know I am a Sheerio and I had this dream sometime after I cried a river because I found out I couldn't go to Ed's concert T_T)

Okay, back to the dream.

So Rupert Grint came to my house saying he was Ed Sheeran, kinda like how he pretended to be Ed in the "Lego House" music video.

But he had these weird tattoos on his knuckles, which Ed does not. From the start, I knew he wasn't Ed but my parent's didn't believe me and they were like "He's a ginger, and how does he not look like Ed?". Smh then the whole Weasley family are full of Ed Sheerans.

So I came up with a "master plan" that made no sense at all. I honestly can't control myself in my dreams. And this "master plan" consisted of me decoding encrypted shit and making beaded bracelets with letters on it. Dun ask why.

So in the endddddd as I fade into the night... jk.

I was able to prove to the police that he wasn't Ed Sheeran and they took in Rupert Grint as a criminal. Just like in the "Lego House" music video.

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