chapter 3

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How are you all??
So here is the next chapter
Hope you guys like it.
Manik's POV

I got up and went to take shower.after getting dressed.I moved downstairs for breakfast.Boys came and also joined me on the dining table.

"Manik the meeting is in an hour.I have already sent everything there.I have it all under control."Cabir said. Giving him a nod.

I turn towards abhimanyu "Take a round at all the buildings make sure everything is on it's right place.Aryaman keep an eye on crime branch i think the men was sent by them."i ordered they both replied with "yes boss".Breakfast was served after the breakfast we left for "the meeting".

"Cabir make sure everything is undercontrol and dhurv if something goes wrong kill them all.Be careful."i ordered. i said kill them all because i can't stand tratiors and it's the rule if our world "kill or get killed".

We reached their.i walked to the door with cabir and dhurv behind me.Other party was already waiting for us.they stood up as they see me.

"Pleasure to have you here boss.Everything is ready sir.I'll just bring them.I hope you won't be disappointed."Said khurrana.

              (Mr khurrana)"I hope so to because you very well know

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              (Mr khurrana)
"I hope so to because you very well know.I don't like it when someone wastes my time."i said looking straight into his eye.I can see the fear and i know now i'll get best of what i want.

I can see the fear and i know now i'll get best of what i want

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Meeting went well

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Meeting went well.I like the guns good for Khurrana."Dhruv take all the guns to safe house."i said turning towards khurrana."You will sell us guns from now on but remember one mistake and you will face worse of me."i said harshly.

"Boss we have a intruder here."i heard one of my men voice.i stood up and turn around.i see a girl maybe 18 or 19 years old standing their short height,long hair i couldn't see her face clearly for some reason i wanted to see but couldn't move.I just froze and then she turn completely.My heart stop for a second.Her milky white skin big doe eyes wearing pink just like a fairy an angel.

What? What i m thinking no no.snap out of it manik.Get a grip on your self.But for some reason i knew i won't be that easy i saw her looking at the guns wide eye.fear evident in her eyes and then the next moment she fainted i couldn't help but run towards her.I didn't care what i am doing.only one thing matter at that moment  and that was her.

"I took her from my men and gently laid her on the sofa."Cabir call the doctor."i said urgently."What."i stood up to yell at him and for the first time

            (Manik's cute angel)I notice my surrounding everyone present their was standing their mouth ajar open

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            (Manik's cute angel)
I notice my surrounding everyone present their was standing their mouth ajar open.Cabir jaw was literally hitting the floor.

He some how recovered from his not so good state closing his mouth he said "Uh ah Manik we should leave now."i know what i did was wrong.Cabir come forward to pick the angel up but stood in between."Manik don't put her in more trouble."he wispered and i let him pick her i trust him and i know he won't hurt her.

Cabir pick her up and we left the place leaving dhruv behind to look after everything.i sat in the car and took angel from cabir a lying her on my lap.she is beautiful and she is mine now.i'll make sure.
Love at first sight hmm
But it's just the begining remember..
I started the story with POV's  to give you guys some idea about the story but the next two updates will character sketch.
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