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Beauty, I'm not quite sure what it means
But mama said it comes in different shades and physiques.
Some straight, some round, some voluptuous, lean
Some white, some tan or black like me.
My head full of hair to me was peculiar
"I'll just use my straightener" till every strand is linear.
I don't want these curls, these coils these kinks
Most kids at my school had hair lighter than black ink.
I'll try purse my lips and make them look teeny
But they were just too big, it wasn't all that easy.
Can my nose just be smaller?
My eyes just be brighter?
My hair just be straighter?
My skin a little whiter?
I pray and pray Lord make me like eve
With her light skin and chestnut hair in the pictures I see.
Mama asked me "Why are you upset?"
I replied and said "My beauty's not like the rest."
"God made you like this for the whole word to see
Your beautiful eyes above your high risen cheeks.
Your dark coiled hair and big luscious lips
Were made for the man you'll love and you'll kiss.
Your beautiful nose I see as unique
Is the beautiful feature that runs in our genes.
My darling little girl the beauty I see
Is what God sees like he saw in Eve
All of God's children were made with beauty
As I always say in different shades and physiques.
He made your heart to be like his
You're beautiful because Jesus lives from within."
I learnt a lot from that day like how Jesus made us all to differentiate.
He put darker pigments in my complexion
So everyone can see I'm a different type of melanin
Yes, it's okay that my nose is slightly big
But I will smell with joy the wonderful things God will give
I pray and pray and thank the Lord
For making me, me, nothing less nothing more
Now I can say with joy and with glee
What beauty is and what it means to me.
It comes from your heart not magazines and peers
Now I say this with confidence and very little fear
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Good God, Lord Jesus, the risen savior.
My God in the heavens not the cowards on earth
The one that I love and truly knows my worth.

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