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Elissa's Pov

It's happening again ..
I sit on the living room couch everyone is upstairs my little sister Skyler keeps coming downstairs and saying horrible stuff to me that all adds up to my feelings right now my dads at work he wouldn't understand anyways recently my mom has been depressed with being sick (cold) and with her friends lying to her I thought she would understand.
All day I have had her moaning at me "do this" or "do that " I really can't take it anymore.
I draw my knees up to my chest and cup my face in my hands and begin sobbing I start to think about all the recent things the main one being my brother he attempted suicide but luckily survived but he hasn't been the same ever since.
I run up to my room and close the door my parents are going out for a family meal with all my siblings and they are not taking me because I'm a "mardy " child they leave and slam the door.
I quickly sprint to the bathroom and frantically search through the cabinet for my old friend ... My blade I promised shawn I would never do it again but he's gone and he is not coming back from magcon till next week.
I sit on the edge of the bath and begin tearing my skin apart I start at my thighs doing one cut for everything that was wrong with me also all the hate from shawns fans have been getting to me like
"OMFG I can't believe shawn would date a ugly girl like that"

"Ewwww she's so fat"

"Lol shawn must be blind because he obviously can't see how ugly she is shawn deserves so much better , he doesn't love you anyways"

I slowly move the blade up and down in different directions all across my thighs eventually I slouch down to the floor then I realised I was sat in a pool of my own blood all the blood was dripping down I got so much satisfaction watching it so I decided to cut deeper more blood came gushing out of me.
I hear a knock on the bathroom door " Shoot" I whisper to my self , but who could it be shawns away and my family is out at dinner, I start to see black spots and I go all sweaty, shawn barges into the bathroom and stands there looking at me with his mouth wide open in shock.....


What is shawn going to do???

Thanks for reading the first chapter if you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments 💕💕💕

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