Chapter 4: A New Prison

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To say that the castle was grand would be quite the understatement.

It was a long journey for Heather, having to sit in a closed up space for hours. But finally, she made it. And the sight of the castle was definitely one for sore eyes. The castle itself spanned over acres of land, with gardens and small courtyards dotted across it. It was very tall, and the gray stone blocks gave it an antique look, as well as the deep red curtains hanging in the windows.

By this time, it was early evening, and faint lights radiated from the windows, a keen eye being able to spot people inside. Flags billowed from the tallest spires, the white rose of the royal family printed on them over a red back-ground.

Heather gently graced her fingers over the white rose pinned behind her own ear, becoming even more nervous - she had been labeled as property of the royal family already without even knowing it.

Slowly, the hover-car lowered to the ground, floating slowly towards the Grand Entrance. Soldiers of the Force peered down at the car from their position on the protective wall, guns at the ready. They had stern faces, and they all looked the same to her. All except for one.

He stood without a visible weapon, and his bright green eyes caught her attention right away. His boots were shiny, and his cape billowed out heroically from his back. But from the scowl on his face, Heather guessed that he was anything but a hero.

She would scrutinize him for a longer time, but soon they passed under the wall, and the mysterious man was out of sight. The driver then checked in at the gate. She watched in awe as he put his hand up to a clear screen, a robotic female voice ringing out above their heads, "Clear."

With that, they drove on into a mass of noise. There was a small courtyard right before the entrance to the castle, and it was packed.

Heather rushed up to the window, looking out with wide eyes. A crowd of people, with cameras and microphones, called out to the car, begging the driver to roll down the window that kept them from seeing Heather clearly. Eventually he gave in, rolling the thin glass down and exposing the wolf to the outside air.

She nearly jumped back, her ears perked once the true noise hit, even louder than before.

They yelled and screamed, toppling over one another just to get a good look at the famous hybrid who had been hand chosen by the King himself. Of course they thought that she had to be special, amazing, and important in some way.

But as she sat back in the car, the doors of the courtyard being closed off to the overly curious humans, she looked down at her lap once more, thinking, Am I really special somehow? Does it have to do with... the truth that Ace was talking about earlier?

Her thoughts were broken as the car came to a stop, the driver stepping out and opening the door for her. Heather slowly came out of the vehicle, hopping down and sighing with contentment as her feet finally felt the ground again. She turned towards the large black doors, one of them being opened.

A woman stood there expectantly, glaring down at Heather from the top of the staircase. She wasn't very old, even though her wrinkled skin said otherwise. She had dark blonde hair that was pulled back from her face, pinned up professionally. Her dress was black, with a white collar, hem, and sleeve-cuff - labeling her as one of the servants to the King. However, Heather guessed that she must've been special, because she spoke in a snooty voice, and drew out her words as if she were important, "Welcome Heather. I'm Mrs. Dewey, and I will be your instructor and your chaperone. By the end of this week, you will know proper etiquette for the castle life, and won't look and sound like a fool on the day of his majesty's coronation. Now, follow me, and I'll show you your room."

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