Strong | Chapter Three.

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The story was that Demi and Harry were quite serious. Harry had started talking to Demi during X Factor, after their infamous performance at the first results night of the live shows, and now that it was over for the season, Demi flew out to London to be with him before they both started touring. That was what both of them had to say during interviews, since the question was obviously going to come up.

                Both fandoms were going nuts. There was the obvious hate (which both brunettes seemed to be getting a lot of; not just Demi), some supported the two, and then there were the suspicions. The “couple” was advised to not answer anything about their relationship; basically act as if it weren’t there. It was the safest bet.

                The more Demi was forced to spend time with Harry and his bandmates, the more she started to hate this whole ordeal. One moment she has Harry peeing himself laughing, but then a split second later his eyes turn dark and he just glares at her. And he wasn’t the only one – the oldest one, Louis, didn’t seem too fond of the American girl. In fact, everyone seemed to keep their distance – except for Niall. He didn’t like her anymore, like he had two years ago, but he still wanted to be close to her and Demi was thankful for that. Nine new people in her life and only one was semi-interested in her. Perrie was kind to Demi, but it was the fake sort of kind. Like she felt obligated to reach out to Demi, but didn’t necessarily wish to. It made Demi miss being home and upset about Wilmer, honestly. She’d rather be unhappy, moping about losing the love of her life in the comfort of her own home, with her family and friends around, then be in a “relationship” and surrounded by people who couldn’t care less about her.

                Seeing as she didn’t live in London and it’d be stupid to rent/buy a flat for a short-lived romance, Demi  had to stay with Harry and Louis. She knew she’d have to be seen out in public with Harry when she wasn’t heading to a concert or interview, but she didn’t see why Simon insisted on them spending every waking moment together. The only upside about being there was seeing Niall (when Ariana wasn’t sitting on his lap or sucking his face off), her godson, and the boys’ stylist, Lou, and her daughter, Lux, when they came over. It was sad to have to sit in a corner with the kids because she was shunned from the group talk. Well, Demi wasn’t technically “shunned” it was just that no one wanted her there and they made that quite obvious.

                One day, Demi had enough of it. Even Niall and Lou ditched her, really leaving her with the kids. She stood up and got the two toddlers ready. They were itching to go play outside, and fresh air sounded great to the brunette. Once they were all bundled up, Demi made an announcement over their laughter. “I’m taking Evan and Lux to the park,” she told them, grabbing her bag and slipping on shoes.

                “Why don’t you take Harry with you? I’ll call some photographers, it could be cute…” Simon started, but Demi shook her head avidly.

                “No.” She said boldly, shocking the crowd. She usually didn’t say a word; now she was standing up to Simon? What was going on? “We’re fine without him,” she muttered, ushering the toddlers out of the door without a goodbye.


                When Demi, Evan, and Lux returned a couple hours later, all that was left was Louis, Eleanor, Harry, and obviously Simon and Lou waiting for their children. Lou took Lux after the little girl hugged Demi goodbye, rushing out of the door and to her car. Simon grabbed Evan, giving Demi a look saying ‘We’ll talk later’ before leaving with his son. The other three were on the couch, the two males glaring at Demi while the female was on her phone. “Jesus Christ. Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” she snapped at them, starting to fume. Being with the kids helped Demi maintain her sanity for a while, but one glance from Harry and Louis set her right back where she started.

                “Whoa. Calm down,” Eleanor stated, now looking up from her phone. “What’s wrong?”

                “Calm down?! It’s fucking annoying the way they look at me as if I have three heads! You don’t get it, Eleanor, so I don’t think you should be saying anything right now,” Demi remarked before making her way up the stairs to her room. She changed into her pajamas and climbed into bed, despite it being very early. She hated it here so much. She wanted to cry, but wouldn’t allow herself to be that vulnerable. She wouldn’t give in to the dickheads downstairs; wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of winning. In fact, she was going to give it right back to them.

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