Strong | Chapter Nine.

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“Nick!” Demi screeched, feeling her throat tense and dry; it would probably crack the next time she spoke. Pushing herself up off the couch, the small brunette flung herself across the room, squashing herself between the two males. She curled up on Harry’s torso and neck, trying to protect him from another blow. Demi knew Nick would never hit her.

Nick backed off, and Harry grabbed the girl by her waist, gently pushing her onto the ground beside him as he tried to sit up. He gave Demi a pained look, and she reached for the lad – only to be hoisted into the air by her best friend.

“Don’t fucking touch her, you bastard,” Nick snarled, his arm wrapped securely around Demi’s waist. Everyone just looked at him oddly; what the hell was going?

Not only was he quite mad at the way this guy was holding Demi, Harry was confused at why in the world he got punched in the face by him. What was it, get punched and have your girl stolen by some guy day? He got himself up off the ground while speaking.

“Look, I don’t know what your problem is with me, but I think it’d be wiser to talk it out rather than punch me in front of my mates,” Harry said calmly, and Demi couldn’t help but grin. She loved that he could be so calm despite being punched and knocked to the ground merely minutes ago.

“Nick, please. It wasn’t Harry, I swear,” Demi grabbed his arm; he was burning hot. She wrapped her arms around him and tried to calm him down. “I’m okay, I promise,” she whispered to him.


“Hello?” She heard her lover’s voice say from the other end of the line while she picked at her fingernails.

“Hey, babe. I have a feeling we’re being caught onto. I think it might be time to come out soon,” she let out a shaky breath; as much as she was sure this was the right decision it still scared her to reveal the truth.

“Shh, love. It’s gonna be okay. I love you, and we’re going to get through this. Whenever you’re ready,” the brunette comforted her red head lover.


“Demi, I really think you should come home with me. Back to the states,” Nick confessed while watching a movie in his hotel room.

Wrapped in his arm, Demi glanced up at the male. She didn’t know what to say; as much as she longed to return home, her mind kept flashing to Harry. Why, she wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like their “relationship” was going to last much longer anyway. But Demi had started to grow accustomed to seeing Harry all the time; she was becoming friendly with him. Ever since Louis attacked her, Harry has been caring for her and she owed him for that.

“C’mon, Dems. It’s not like you’re actually dating that tool, and you shouldn’t have to be forced to get along with people you don’t want to. Your family misses you, Marissa and Chelle and Matthew miss you… I know I wasn’t around a lot, but I miss you too.”

“Nick, I’ve already told you this. It wasn’t Harry who hit me. I mean, I miss them—“

Nick cut her off; he seemed pretty insistent on getting Demi back to the states. “I don’t care. You got hurt over here, so obviously it’s not safe for you. Besides, you said it yourself that you miss your family and friends.” Demi sighed, letting the conversation just die.


Perrie sat uncomfortably on the couch, her large round stomach almost swallowing the short girl. She was getting fed up with her husband: three calls that went to voicemail, and one text message that she knew he’s received. She hated doing it, but the blonde called up her “Zayn when Zayn’s not around” aka Niall. The blonde felt bad, as she felt as if she were using him, but the male constantly reassured her that it was fine, that he didn’t mind. Truthfully, he liked the company. Ariana was hardly over, and the other boys had their own lives to deal with. Perrie and him have been close since they were first introduced, and he obviously found her stunning upon laying eyes on her. All of the boys did, though – Zayn didn’t mess around when it came to finding the perfect woman.

Niall rushed over to the Malik home with the items Perrie begged for over the phone. He allowed himself in with the spare key he knew how to find by heart (behind the curtain on the farthest window from the door) and settled onto the couch with the pregnant woman. She was due in a few weeks, and Niall couldn’t be more excited. Sometimes he forgot that he wasn’t the father, and Perrie had to remind him of that in her sweet voice with that little giggle of hers that came after almost every sentence.

“Thanks for coming over, Niall. Your company means a lot to me,” the woman stated with a smile before ripping open the bag of assorted candy and digging in. She didn’t care how big she was getting because of all the junk she ate; she was just always hungry and it’s what the baby wanted she supposed.

“Perrie, please. You know I love spending time with you,” the Irish male confessed while uncapping his iced tea, proceeding to take a long first sip of the liquid.

Grinning after swallowing a piece of a mini Hershey bar, Perrie reached over and grabbed Niall’s hand, squeezing it. He returned both gestures, and they just kind of stayed like that for a while.

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