Chapter 4

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Sherlock and I have been stuck in the house for two weeks now. Like the curly head said, Mycroft was anything but hesitant to tell the world about Sherlock and I. I've attempted to leave the house once in the past two weeks, and I don't plan on trying again for quite a while.

The opening door if 221B signals every person to swam the escaper. Between the camera flashes and loud screams of shippers your senses numbed down to nothing in a matter of seconds.

I'm not sure what he thinks of all this- Sherlock that is. He took one gaze down out the window and ignored the rest of the world for the remainder of our stay in solitaire so far. I'm starting to worry about him. He hasn't talked for the past 8 days. I count because I care. Because I miss his deep rough voice. And after 8 days of talking only to myself, I'm being driven insane by my own thoughts.

It's about time I try to get him to speak again. I slowly aproch him and brush my fingers over the back of his hands and his soft gaze slowly drifts up and over to my eyes. I take a short, but deep breath. "Please say something." I plead. The boy blinks softly in response. I know he hears me. I know he does. Just talk already. "Please, I need to hear your voice."

Still nothing.

"Anything, please. Just a word- if that's all I can get out of you." He shifts back to look at the ceiling.

"I hate Mycroft." He grumbles and turns over to face the couch's back. I forwn.

"I know, I'm sorry. I should have stopped you. None of this would have happened if I did." My gaze fixes on the ground as a sigh floats out from my parted lips before they close again.

Sherlock turned back over to face me again. "Don't say that, I wouldn't undo it for the world." I glance back up at him with a weak smile.

"You so sure about that?"

"Don't be stupid John." He chuckled reaching up to pull be down into a hug. I return the embrace with a giggle.

"I know, I wouln't either." I mumble, snuggling into his chest. "But how are we suposed to get out of here?" I ask in a worried tone, glancing up at him.

"Why would we need to?"

"Well, the food we have right now won't last forever."

"Simple; we just order food from the phone."

"Our money won't last forever either, Sherlock."

"If Mycroft actually worries about me he'll help with that." I sigh at his response, but refuse to put my opion in words.

"Alright, I trust you." He smiles. "Just promise me one thing?"

"Of course." He strokes my hair and look down at me. "What is it love?"

"Close the curtains next time." I smirk. Sherlock chuckles and pulls the curtains.

"Anything for you, Watson."

you can probably guess what happens next.


I'm sosososoooo sorry that took so long! It's half as long as it should be, but I've been getting so many ideas that I needed to plot out and I have a lot of writing stuff at school but I'll try to give a little more love to this peice for you guys! Hang tight -tate

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