Chapter 5

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The next day Mycroft sends the money and Sherlock goes on about how he was right. I listen with a sweet smile. You'd think he 'knew' because he's a detective, but really it was just his faith in his brother. I think it's cute Sherlock trusts he cares about him. It puts my mind at rest; knowing he's excepted Mycroft's help. Even with the facts stating this is his fault. Then again we could have just pulled the curtains... But he still would have found a way.

It's in his nature, you know?

The day after a girl breaks into our flat. She screeches as she rushes up the stair case and hugs Sherlock tightly before running over to me and hugging me as well. She smiles idiotically in joy for moment before running back out the door, politely locking it before shutting it, to keep others out. What a kind young girl she is.

Madness continues throughout the following month, I'm suprized we haven't driven each other insane yet. Some how we just can't seem to hate each other. I'd be awfully suprized if we did one day, but it also wouldn't come as such a suprize. Anything could happen now.

Today, Sherlock rests a hand on my shoulder. I look up and he flashes a weak reassuring smile. He knows how I feel. No, not because of any of that cheesy couple feeling sharing crap. He's Sherlock. Of course he knows.

"I'll be back." Wait... What?

I stand from my chair.

"What, you mean you're leaving? We can't even open our door without being swarmed!" I scolfed. "You'll end up getting yourself killed out there." I added on in a grumble.

"Fine deduction, my dear Watson." My face drops and I freeze where I stand.

"Sherlock..?" I manage sheepily. The taller man leaned down and pressed him soft familiar lips into mine. I force myself to pull away after a moment. "Sherlock you can't leave me, not again. Not for real." He let out a sigh and wrapped his arms around me in a soft hug.

"I'm sorry John."

"I'll die before you leave this flat." At that I felt his warm mussels tense under his pale fridged skin. I pulled away and looked up at him. "Sherlock?" He didn't look at me, just shook his head.

"I'm doing this so you don't have to."

"Then just let me!" His strong hand gripped my arm. He leaned down to my level, still tense, straining every mussel in his body.

"John, you couldn't do that. You have to stay here."

"Why!? No one needs me! But people need you Sherlock- so many lives rely on you!"

"You can't leave me alone-"

"Alone is what you have," I mocked "alone protects you-"

"No John; you protect me! You always have, you think I would admit to that?" I froze. I guess he has a point, he'd never admit to relying on someone. But I know he can do without me. He's just saying that.

"Sherlock you have to let m-"

"You're not going John! I'm not letting you die!"

"And you're not dying either!"

"You're right, I'm not. I found my way out of this last time, I can do it again."


"You're not leaving me again..."

"I promise, I'll try not to." He kissed my forehead softly and... God why didn't I stop him... He walked out.


I have and had absolutly no idea where I was and am going with this please don't kill me -tate

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