Everything Goes Wrong

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    Emma carefully readjusted the brunette wig on her head as she crossed the street to approach sleazy Sal. Rose was watching her from a fire escape nearby, ready to intervene if it was needed.

  "Hey there big boy, how would you like some new merchandise?" Emma asked seductively and Sal grinned leaning close to her.
  "What kind of merchandise we talking about baby?" He asked and Emma reached into her pocket and pulled out the ring.
  "How much will you give me for this?" Emma asked leaning into him.
  "Hmm how about one thousand dollars babe?" He asked and Emma smiled.
  "That works, but can you give me more?" She asked and he grinned.
  "Tell you what, I'll give you two thousand for it, if I can have a little something as reward." He grinned as Emma grabbed a fistful of his jacket and kissed his passionately.

  Rose scowled deeply from her position on the fire escape.
  "Gross." She grumbled, thankful when they broke apart. She watched as they walked into the alley. Sal paid her the money, they kissed again and then he retreated back to the corner.

  Emma slowly climbed the fire escape and removed the wig. She grinned brightly at Rose who socked her in the shoulder.
  "Ow what was that for?" Emma complained and Rose snorted.
  "For making me watch you suck face with that creep!" Rose complained as Emma smirked slyly.
  "Well I got him to give us two thousand and three hundred dollars, so if I were you I wouldn't complain." She whispered coily and Rose rolled her eyes as Emma split the money handing Rose half of it.

   "Doesn't matter, you my dear niece are my responsibility, so don't do that again. Next time I'll do the talking." She insisted as she began climbing up the fire escape. Emma swiftly removed the sweatshirt and tied it around her waist.
  "Whatever you say Rosie girl." She teased as she followed after her.
  "Shut up Emma!" She teased as she continued on.
    Once they finally made it onto the roof Rose found the fire escape on the other side of the building and began climbing down it.

  They had just reached the bottom when a gruff voice called out.
  "Rose? Emma?" They both whirled around and saw a man, he looked to be around thirty or so, he was dressed in dark leather clothing and had a bit of stubble on his chin.

  "Emma get behind me!" Rose yelled as they backed up to the end of the alley.
  "No it's alright I'm not here to hurt you love." He reasoned and Rose glared at him intently.
"Oh yeah and I'm just supposed to trust some creep I just met in an alley?" She snapped sarcastically and he sighed.
  "You've got it all wrong love, I know you. You're Rose and that's Emma. I know your sister. Emma's mother." He reasoned and Rose frowned still not trusting him one bit. Killian was surprised at how much they had grown since he had last seen them. They were also horribly filthy, with their greasy hair and raggid clothing.

  "You know my mom?" Emma whispered softly and Killian nodded.
  "Aye that I do love, they are in dire need of your assistance. So will you both come with me?" He asked and Rose approached him carefully then in one swift motion she kicked him right in his soft spot and grabbed Emma's arm pulling her after her.
  "Bloody hell!" Killian yelped falling to his knees.

  "Why'd you kick him?" Emma asked  as she struggled to keep up with her aunt and Rose scowled.
   "He's a creep Emma, come on we have to get out of here!" Rose yelled as she found their old yellow bug and climbed inside.
  She started the engine and sped off down the street.
To Be Continued....

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