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Ok guys in order for you to know who the villian who forced snow to have her second daughter and is now holding Emma by her hair

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Ok guys in order for you to know who the villian who forced snow to have her second daughter and is now holding Emma by her hair. I have to give you a little background on him. Why he's such a creep😉

His name is Bluebeard
There the link to his story but if you don't want to get into all that I can give you all the simplified version.

So basically this guy Bluebeard had married seven woman, everytime one would "disappear" he would find another one until he finally ran out of wives after number seven, so he goes into town looking for a new one.

  He finds this girl who's the youngest of her family, she isn't named but her oldest sister Anne is (idk doesn't make sense to me but whatever) he forces her to marry him then he takes her to his totally deserted house or castle in the woods and ...

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He finds this girl who's the youngest of her family, she isn't named but her oldest sister Anne is (idk doesn't make sense to me but whatever) he forces her to marry him then he takes her to his totally deserted house or castle in the woods and gives her a ring of keys and tells her she can do whatever she pleases except go into the basement.

  He finds this girl who's the youngest of her family, she isn't named but her oldest sister Anne is (idk doesn't make sense to me but whatever) he forces her to marry him then he takes her to his totally deserted house or castle in the woods and ...

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So when Bluebeard goes out of town for something or other his 8th wife throws a party and invites all her friends and big sister Anne well then after every one leaves save her sister. The main girl's curiosity gets the better of her and she goes into the basement where she finds all seven of his dead wives bodies. Their heads hung up on hooks and blood all over the floor.

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She panics and drops the keys in the blood in shock and freaks out when they won't come clean because they're enchanted so the blood will stay on and Bluebeard can see if his wife deceived him and she runs and tells her sister to get help after sh...

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She panics and drops the keys in the blood in shock and freaks out when they won't come clean because they're enchanted so the blood will stay on and Bluebeard can see if his wife deceived him and she runs and tells her sister to get help after she shows her his freaking creepy basement and he comes home sees the bloody keys and tries to cut her head off

She panics and drops the keys in the blood in shock and freaks out when they won't come clean because they're enchanted so the blood will stay on and Bluebeard can see if his wife deceived him and she runs and tells her sister to get help after sh...

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when Anne and her husband come and save her and in some versions they cut off Bluebeard's head and hung it on a hook after they burried all of his previous wives

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when Anne and her husband come and save her and in some versions they cut off Bluebeard's head and hung it on a hook after they burried all of his previous wives. In other versions he gets thrown in a dungeon and rots there for the rest of his life and his eighth wife takes over his castle( only I don't know why she'd want it) and in another version he escapes and begins his search for wife number nine.

 In other versions he gets thrown in a dungeon and rots there for the rest of his life and his eighth wife takes over his castle( only I don't know why she'd want it) and in another version he escapes and begins his search for wife number nine

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So I'm going to go with the last version so he's all alive and wants Snow's youngest as wife number nine.

Alright so the story will resume where I left it off😉

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