chapter one

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Chapter One ~ Living the Lina West Way

(Brief Introduction)

-Lina's P.O.V.-

When you looked at a wealthy, sophisticated girl with big nerd glasses and cute braided pigtails, your first impression would be that she was most likely the one friend who would spend her Friday nights studying for the next big math test, and exceeded beyond her parents' expectations of getting good grades. The student that every mother and father wanted their child to be. The one who would never fail to nourish you with good advice and possibly be a huge inspiration for the youth.

However, when you looked at me, a not-so-average girl with brightly dyed curly red hair whose always sporting a black beanie, your first thoughts would immediately make me out to be a teen forever trapped in their "rebellious phase". A stage in your life when you're under much pressure trying to figure out who you are by committing rebellious actions and pushing everyone's patience beyond repair. The abomination child who was different from all the others. The one who would never be inspirational and will always be a threat to the youth.

And unfortunately, your estimates would be correct.

Was I the teenager that studied for every upcoming test and worked hard to be an honour student? No, not at all. In fact, I was the complete, polar opposite. I failed classes, broke rules, snuck out on Friday nights, and disappointed the absolute hell out of my family.

Was it a healthy lifestyle? I hate to admit it, but no. Living the Lina West way was living in a hard reality of facing your mistakes and hoping that they can make you somewhat successful in the future. But so far, I haven't come across anything that will express myself and my passions; the talents deep within me that have yet to be discovered.

Long story short, I don't have my entire future planned out like the most of us and I'm living blindly; oblivious to what'll happen next. And coming from a family where you mother is a Lawyer, your father is Doctor, and having two older twin siblings who both attended Harvard University, you have a lot to live up to and many people to satisfy.

I didn't fit into the crowd and often stuck out like a sore thumb, especially considering the fact that my hair is quite out of this world. I stuck to a small group of close friends, but kept my enemies closer. I'm not easy to read and don't frequently express my emotions. Despite that I'd like to think so, I can't live my life on my own. After all, I'm gonna need someone to cover up for the endless mistakes I make once in awhile. And sadly, whoever gets enrolled in that position, is stuck with me forever.

I could right a book series all entirely based around myself if I really wanted to, but I'm not cruel enough to bore people out with such a sob story.

Alas, I'm Lina West, I live a very complicated life, with complicated people, complicated feelings, and I absolutely love it.

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