Chapter Twelve

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Dakota's POV

Me and Damon were in the middle of are second movie when I heard a knock at the door. I jumped up and raced downstairs. Dimitri was about to open the door when I yell

"I got it Dimitri!" at the bottom of the stairs.

He walked over to where Tate and Tobias were sitting on the couch. I got to the door and opened it. Jasmine was at the front door and Fae was just pulling in, in her big black Chevy truck.

"Jasmine!" I yelled hugging her. I pulled her in side leaving the door open for Fae to come in.

"Who's house is this?" she asked whispering eying the guys.

"They guys from Taco Time?" Fae asked quietly looking wide eyed at me from the door frame.

"Ya." I said copying her voice mocking her.

Both Jasmine and Fae were staring the guys. Damon's door opened and he walked out.

"Sorry it took so long, I was turning the movie off and fixing my bed" he said walking downstairs.

"So," I said loud grabbing everybody's attention. "Let me introduce everyone!" I said walking Jasmine and Fae over to the living room where now all of the guys were sitting.

"Girls, this is Damon, Dimitri, Tate and Tobias" I said pointing to each of them as I said there names. "And guys this Jasmine and Fae" I said pointing to them as I said there names.

"Hey" everyone said simultaneously.

We all sat down. I sat on a sofa chair and sat the pillow that was sitting on it in my lap. Jasmine and Fae were sitting in the loveseat to my right. Tate and Tobias were sitting on the couch to my left. Dimitri sat on the arm of that couch, and Damon sat in a sofa chair across from me. There was a large black and glass coffee table sitting in between all of us.

"Soooo" Damon said breaking the silence that had been in the air for a couple minutes. "Who wants to play truth or dare?" he asked.

"Cool!" Tate, Fae, Tobias and Jasmine said at the same time looking at each other.

"Sounds fun!" I said smiling.

"Ok, whatever." Dimitri said letting out a small laugh.

"Good!" Damon said.

"I'll go first" Tobias said. "Soo... Jasmine!" Tobias shot the question quick. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth!" Jasmine said confident.

"You single?" he said.

Jasmine, me and Fae bursts into laughter. "That would be a hard yes." Jasmine said still laughing.

"Dakota." Jasmine shot the question at me this time. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare" I said.

"I dare you kiss Damon." she paused. "No, scratch that. Make out session. Thirty seconds." she added laughing.

"Seriously are we ten?" I asked.

"No... because if we were ten I wouldn't have asked this question." she said laughing again. I sat there for a second. "Go, on." she insisted.

"Fine" I said starting to stand up when Damon stood up. "What are you doing?" I asked him but befor I knew it he had picked me up. He sat back down in is chair.

"I don't mind this at all!" he said wiggling his eyebrows. He waled back over to his seat with me on his lap.

"Timer set!" Jasmine announced.

Found: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now