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As soon as I heard her downstairs, I snapped out of whatever trance I was in, and kicked into gear. I was running on adrenaline, fear, shock maybe. I grabbed a pair of snow boots from the closet, and zipped my black north face up. My window was right up against a tree, which I had strategically been using to escape, ever since my first party in freshman year. Locking my door before I left, I slipped open the window, feeling the rush of cold air, and stepped out onto the roof. Jennifer had never gone so far as to harm me physically, until tonight. I always knew she had it in her, but I vowed the second it happened, to leave, without a second glance. I wasn't about to let her get away with this. From the roof, I crawled onto a thick branch and shimmied into the old tree house. Then I climbed down the ladder to the ground and sprinted across the yard down the street. I had accidentally left my phone at my Mom's house when I left, and therefore was completely without communication, although I didn't have anyone to call anyways. About a five minute walk from here, was a gas station, so if I could just get there I would be fine. The dark street was still lit with the occasional christmas decoration, but most lights were out for the night. The air was growing colder as I walked, and my teeth were chattering quickly now. Just ahead was the light from the gas station. I started to run in an effort to keep warm. When I got to the station, it was vacant, and the mart was closed, it must be later than I thought, they don't close until 10. I peered inside the mart, in search of a clock, on the wall the wall the clock read 11:00. It had gotten late.

Around the side of the station was a telephone booth, but I had left everything in my room. I reached in my pocket, with little hope, but was just lucky enough to find 4 quarters. Perfect. Now I had to decide who in the world I would call. I only knew four numbers by heart.

My Dad: I certainly would not be calling him

My Mom: I wasn't ready to talk to her, and even if I was, what could she do.

Lizzie: She was in Maryland, and all I would do is worry her.



He was the only person I could call.

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first ring


second ring


third ring


There was static on the line. He had picked up




" Hello?" my heart jumped, he was there thank god. His voice sounded sleepy, that meant I had woken him up.

"h-hi. Cason?" my voice stammered.

"Who is this?" he replied, seeming unsure.

"It- It's Braelynn." my voice cracked, I was starting to cry. I don't know why, I barely ever cry, but the nights events were just bubbling up.

"Braelynn? Are you ok?" suddenly his voice was more awake, that did it, it pushed me over the edge. I was full on sobbing now.

"I-uh, I-" I began to cry again, hiccuping. This was so embarrassing. "I shouldn't have called I'm sorry."

"What's wrong Bray, where are you?" he called me Bray, suddenly I was overtaken by more tears than ever in my life. I was completely lost in a sea of my own sobs. "BRAELYNN. Where are you?" his voice was full of aggressive concern.

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