Chapter 3~ Into the Leaper Territory

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Climbing out of the pit was its own chore. Seeing I wasn't out of the forest when I got to the top, was another. I groaned inwardly, and wondered just how far did these tunnels stretch. Shaking my head, I continue on. Edge should have told me how long this would take.

I pass a couple short-circuiting drones and another screen. It was like the screen in that prison, but larger and more colorful. A woman newscaster was on one of them, talking about Sensen technology. I nearly give it no attention until she says a name I know.

"Does- anyone recognize Edge's hand in this.....? He's promised to br- bring down our civilization." On the screen is now a picture of me. "One thing is certain... The num- ber of Errorists freely roaming- rrrrr-oaming our beloved city doubled overnight, bringing the count to... [REDACTED]! Remember! Maggie told you first!" The screen then shorts out, spent.

Redacted? Exactly how many Errorists are there? Am I not alone? Too many questions swim around my mind. I make it to the next platform and continue climbing up, the long forgotten construction making an easy ladder.

I decide to ask a few questions while I continue to get out of here. "Edge? Who is this Tommy guy?"

I can hear him sigh, "Tommy was your closest friend. A former Memory Hunter who's still faithful to our cause. His bar is in a cargo hull over the canal locks in Slum 404. The Leaking Brain. You can't miss it." With that, he disappears again. I don't expect him to answer anything else I ask right now.

I still have a long way to go. The winding path leads to a collapsed tunnel and a broken train. Great. A small shuffle catches my attention inside the train and I enter, looking around. The posters were all faded and torn, most of them promoting Memorize and dental hygiene. I hear a small whimper and the Leaper from earlier runs out of its hiding place and scampers away from me again.

I follow it, and it leads me to the outside. I shield my eyes from the brightness of the morning sun and the Leaper runs to another hideaway. On one hand, a glitching drone hovers a few feet away from me, advertising a drink to no one. "Food served all day at The Leaking Brain. Today's specials: 'crunchy crab cake a la Tommy' and 'sewer shrimps in Slum sauce'," it says, and flies away. The view, on the other hand, is almost beautiful.

Decrepit houses and buildings stack on top of each other down here, I would imagine trash littering the ground down below it all. Heavy fog filters the alleyways and canals, hiding the bottom of this seemingly endless chasm. Electric spiderweb-like wires connect each building to the one next door as if it was the only thing holding everything up. Further past the buildings were boats, old pulley systems and cranes. I thought I saw what looked like the smoke stack of a factory too, but I couldn't tell. A dam keeps all of this in place, not letting anything or anyone in or out. Past the dam was a shining city, opalescent white and clean. Flying drones could be spotted in the distance, if I squinted hard enough.

The talking of other Leapers could be heard just below me. "These things are everywhere..." I mutter and keep walking. Another screen is up ahead, not as damaged as the last one. It's talking about Slum 404.

"Good morning! Here is a riddle: who was that storm cloud seen flying towards Slum 404 through Dawn's early light? Olga Sedova... through hail and sleet like a dreadful bird of prey! No doubt the infamous bounty hunter is on the trail of Errorist escapee, Nilin! Remember, dear brain peepers, it..." I don't give it any more time to talk as I rush on ahead. So I was wanted? By some Olga lady? The more time I'm standing still, the more questions keep introducing themselves to my thoughts. I need answers. I climb up an old terrace and into a dark alley. Jumping from wall to wall I continue upwards, and pull myself over a fence once I reach the top.

"Where are all the people? There must be someone up here..." I muse, looking around. Everything was abandoned. It looked more like the dregs of humanity here left everything behind to the earth, the Leapers the only ones around for miles upon miles.

Cackling laughter erupts around me and I turn around. Speak of the devil. They've got me surrounded yet again. But now I know how to deal with them. I crack my knuckles, readying myself. A scream catches me off guard and I'm immediately on the ground, nails digging into my back. A surprise attack? I push them off me and kick them aside, standing up again, wincing. They won't get another chance.

She scampers to the left, and three others come into view. I could tell there were at least two more, hiding. "Come now, this isn't very fair.. five against one?" I say, pulling up my fists. One of them gives me an inhuman screech and barrels towards me, keeping low. I use him as a spring board and easily overtake the one behind him. His neck gives out with a crack and his Sensen disappears. "It should really be fifty against one if you wanted to win." I smirk, getting comfortable.

One of them leap from the shadows and I dodge as he tumbles into the one that charged first. They both go down, tangled and snarling. The woman from earlier growls. She jumps onto the construction above and crawls towards me, jumping down in front of me. I don't hesitate to punch her face immediately, and she stumbles back, her nose making a satisfying crunch under my fist. She races back towards me and I flip over her, catching her in a headlock and I twist. She goes down, leaving me with three. The other one comes out of the shadows and scratches my face, a little faster than the others. I dodge as fast as I can and slam my foot into his back, sending him flying towards the other two. They catch him and fling him directly back to me and I duck. He's thrown against the concrete wall behind me and falls, limp. Okay then, two left. They both come at me this time as I push one into the other, keeping them off balance. I leap forward and bring my fist down, fast. It connects with the first one and he falls. I duck low again and sweep my leg under the other and he falls as well. Clumsy, really. I break their necks while they're down and sit back up, wiping away the blood on my cheek.

Fighting came so naturally to me. Was I this good before, or was I even better? I pat the dust off my clothes, not that it made any difference, and continue my path out of the area. The glowing orange lights direct me to the edge of the platform and I look over. Long way down, I think to myself, better not fall. I take a few steps back and leap off, catching the rusty piping on the side of an abandoned house. I shimmy my way down the siding and reach yet another small platform. Stairs lead me to a catwalk, heavy boxes and crates littering my way.

(A/N hello! seems like an abrupt end huh? only because i couldn't write a good fade away (^~^;)ゞ more coming soon though!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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