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A bright light flashes across a screen. A kind voice begins to speak. "After our boat sank, I was the only refugee to reach the shore." A camera pans to an elderly lady. She looks clean, wearing all white and her hair cut in a neat bob. She looks up, rubbing her ring finger. A silver wedding band catches the light. "I held my husband's hand until the very last second, I can still feel it... The nails of his fingers digging into mine.. you know?"

It cuts to another woman, wearing a purple sleeveless turtleneck, her brown hair shaved in a clean pixie cut. She wears makeup and smiles a little too big. "The first night, he said to me, 'Let's share our memories!', and I remember I was sorta... Afraid. But umm.. haha.. then he smiled," she laughs slightly, tucking a small strand of hair behind her ear, "and... We hit the switch together and.. I felt.. everything." She smiles again, getting teary-eyed, "For the first time I was living all of his love for me. It- it felt so warm, and so strong it almost hurt." She sighs. The camera cuts to a zoomed out scene, circling her slowly. "For the last three years, every day has been our first day." She smiles again, the camera zooming back in to her face.

The scene switches to man. He sits down, getting comfortable. His arms are crossed and he's wearing black. "The weather was so hot that day. The street stank of that awful smell of burning plastic. I walked with the other children across town, until we were outside of Paris, no one fired. The war was over." He smiles slightly, a scar now visible on his cheek. He sits up. "I don't know if I'll ever find the courage to give these memories to my son, but I'm relieved to know that they're all safe and secure."

The scene cuts back to the first lady. "Thanks to my Sensen, I can choose to remember every other defining moment of my life. Good ones, and the bad.. " she trails off, looking past the camera. The camera begins to circle around her slowly. "Thanks to my Sensen, my husband lives on in here," she pats her chest, smiling, "and here." She points to her neck, and the camera shows the back of her head. A glowing circle of light can be seen hovering above the woman's neck. White and orange circles move clockwise and counterclockwise together.

The screen fades to white, as words transition into being. "Remember to Live, Live to Remember." The word "Sensen" pops up on the screen, underneath, "Available October 2084". The company logo flashes after that. MEMORIZE.

The video fades to black.

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