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I've been called names over the years,
"Dumb blonde"

Things like that. 

But I've also been called a lot of compliments during that time as well,

So which one is it?

Am I stupid or smart?

Dumb or bright?

People can't seem to pick one..

On first glance I guess I seem like a smart girl,
That's why everyone in math class picks me to figure out their problems, but I always tell them I'm not good at math, and yet they always insist that I'm just telling myself that.

 When I'm in a group I let everyone else do the work because I have no idea how to do it and even if I knew how I wouldn't be able to.

I've tried to ask for help, and I always say that I get it now when someone explains what to do,
But to us, there's no explaining it.
It's not hard wired in our brains,
To us, math is a whole different language that we can't speak, and so, adapting is the only solution.

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