Lost bags

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Ok hi
So recently, I was on a trip in Philadelphia. I was there to see some cool stuff and hang out with my friend but I will be honest it was not the nicest trip I have ever been on.
On the way home I was happy and joyful. Me and my family got shaved ice and watched lion king and laughed and joked... Until we got home.
I was about to grab my bag to take my stuff in but it wasn't there.
I checked the whole car twice and then gave up... and cried... and cried. I had lost my sketchbook, my ds games, the book I was reading at the time, and a notebook full of notes for a story I was working on. All of it gone... forever.
My dad called the Hotel we had stayed at to see if we had left it there... no luck.
I will be honest with you, I was devastated.
But my dad promised he would try hard to replace as many things as he could...

I love him so much ❤️

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