Chapter 1

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Alec's POV:

There he stood, ambrosial black hair with the tips tinted red, a strand dangled over his face. Those angelic gold eyes stared back at me. My own black hair sat messy on my head. It was as though the world had stood still and it was just me and this stranger.

I don't believe in 'love at first sight' or any of that tacky stuff, but as he stared straight into my sky blue eyes, my mind stopped working.
"Alec?" Izzy called from behind me. "Hello? Alec? You look like you've seen a ghost. What are you staring at?" She asked as she stared in the direction of my gaze. Right as she said that, I snapped out of the trance and looked back down at her; she's taller than most guys but still shorter than me.
"What? Oh...n-no one."
"Oh he's cute,"
"Yeah..." Losing eye contact, I looked down at my feet, embarrassed.
"Go on then, talk to him." She said as she nudged me closer to him.
"No. Are you out of your mind? I don't even know him. Plus, look at him, those eyes that hair..."
"Alexander. Don't be stupid. Please. For me? Plus, you're the prettiest boy I know." There was a moment of a silence as I stared down at her and gave her the most sarcastic smile.
"Okay, but I'm only doing this for you." I said. "You owe me one!"

As Izzy pushed me towards the man, I stumbled across the shiny dance floor. Pushing past a group of dancing girls just to get to the seat by the man, who was now sat by a table with a drink in his hand. After squeezing through the tightly packed group of drunks, I straightened myself up.

"Hi," The word finally came out as I reached to pull out a stool. Being spontaneous was Izzy's thing, definitely not mine.
"Well hello," He said after turning to look up at me. He swept his hair out of his face with his free hand, the other occupied by a drink. His shoulders were broad, his back was straight, unlike mine. You could see his confidence with just one glance. "Magnus." He said as he reached out his hand offering a hand shake.
I took his hand "Alec." I said and shook it. He looked down and noticed my hand on the stool. As the realisation set, I awkwardly moved my hand away.
"Please, sit." I forced myself to look away from his eyes; I was staring. It was creepy. Still looking away from him, I pulled out the stool my hand was previously rested on and sat down.

"You seem shy, do you come here often?" He asked with his body now fully facing me.
"No, not really. My sister, over there," I said as I pointed at Izzy, who was leaning against a table flirting with a blond with a smug look on his face. "Izzy, made me come."
"So you're technically the Gay Big Brother. Assuming you're older, of course." He said sarcastically.
"I am, older- that is. The Gay Big Brother part is a bit more complicated than that."
"How so?"
"Izz- she...hates labels," I started, fidgeting with my hands. "Ever since a young age, she's hated people labelling her- whether that's as 'bi' or 'pan'. She's also always hated the concept of 'coming out'. Straight people don't have to, what makes us so different to them?" He took a sip of his purple coloured drink and nodded in agreement, "Sorry for assuming."
"No-no it's fine," I said more calmly, feeling as though I was slightly aggressive. "Sorry, I just get a little annoyed when people bring it up. It happens all the time."
"Well it shouldn't." His voice was stern but what he said afterward was less.

"I get it. Why wouldn't you get annoyed? She's your sister."

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