A New Day

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NEW CHAPTER!! I want you to read this and then love me because I'm awesome and you know it!!



I knew that I hadn't completely fallen into unconscious. I could still hear everything they were saying, though it was distorted and hard to make out. Footsteps of people running around the house could be heard, and a few new names were thrown around.

"Her heart hasn't stopped beating, she's just unconscious." I heard Jake tell Austin, who was freaking out about possibly having a dead person on their hands.

I wanted to stop them when I felt them start cutting my hair, but I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move my body to tell them to stop cutting my long red hair. But I guess it had to be happened. All of my hair was matted to my head and there was cuts all over my body, not excluding my head. While we were walking here, I could feel the blood dripping down my head, intertwining itself with the mess of hair on my head.

Somebody had started to remove my shirt, trying to get to the cuts underneath my shirt, but when they failed, they took a pair of scissors to it, cutting it up the front. 

It was at this time when I stopped thinking about everything and everything had completely went away.

I woke up the next morning in a place to comfortable to be the streets. The light of the sun was shinning into my eyes, preventing me from falling back to sleep. I tried to move so I could get up, but the moment I tried to move anything, jolts of pain ran through my body. I groaned at this.

"She's up!" a feminine voice shouted, making my cringe. It was too early in the morning to hear the yelling. I heard the door swing open as I opened my eyes. I focused them to the door to see two men, both looking familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Macy, you're awake!" The one with darker hair said. "We thought you wouldn't stay with us."

Then I remembered everything from last night. The biker, Austin, Jake, my hair. My hair!

My body screamed in pain as I brought my hand up to my head. I felt little wisps of hair where the bandage didn't cover.

"We had to cut it. I couldn't get to the cut on you head with all of the hair." The blond one, Jake, told me. " All together, you have almost a hundred stitches on you body. You have broken your right leg and two ribs on your right side. You will have scars all over your body for the rest of your life."

I forgot he was the one who was a doctor. I raised my hands to sign Thank you, but I highly doubt anyone could read it because it was so shaky.

Thankfully, Austin knew what I was trying to say, and announced to the room what I had said.

"Austin, you don't have to tell us all what it means. You forget that Michelle can't talk either." The girl who I remember being April told him. "And I'm teaching Jake right now, so he should know some stuff."

Austin rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He then focused on me, "Macy, are you hungry? Michelle is making breakfast right now."

I vigorously nodded my head, but then I quickly got dizzy and had to stop.

"I'll bring it up when it's done." April told me, leaving the room and dragging Jake with her. she closed the door behind her, leaving Austin in the room with me.

"So I have something to tell you. " Austin said to me before sitting down in the chair next to my bed. "Everyone has talked about it, and we have all agreed to let you stay here." My eyes widened. "I know Battle Creek isn't that bad, but there is still crime that occurs on a daily basis. I want this to be a safe place for people to live."

I can't, I signed.

"Why not. This town needs a hero!" Austin exclaims.

I'm not a hero. I can't save people. Hell, I murdered a man last night! The police think I'm bad, and I am wanted in almost all of the states from here to California!

He shook his head. "What I saw last night was not murder. It was self defense. And for the police, they can go fuck themselves. They can't see that what you have really been doing is saving the lives of everyone here!"

I layed in the bed thinking. There could be multiple positives and negatives of staying here. I don't know anything about Battle Creek, but the moment I got here, people have wanted to kill me. I wouldn't be able to live here. I would have to move so I don't endanger the people living in this house. I guess staying for a little bit wouldn't hurt. I couldn't leave right now anyway because of the broken bones.

I nodded my head, not even bothering with signing anything because I was low on energy and wanted to sleep again.

His blue eyes lit up in a beautiful way, making me think I chose the right thing.

"You won't regret Macy! It's a new day, and it's the start of a new era here in Battle Creek!"

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