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Weeks passed and I find myself to be particularly sensitive lately. I groan as I roll out of bed, a feeling of nausea washes over me. I dart into the washroom just in time as I keeled before the toilet, emptying out what little was left in my stomach. I wipe my mouth clean as I lean back against the wall, feeling exhausted both mentally and physically.

A knock on my door startles me as I barely manage to pick myself off the floor, using the wall for support. One of the Joker's most trusted henchman walks in, carrying a tray of what I assume to be breakfast. He sets it down on the nightstand as he turns to my frail frame in the bathroom doorway.

"Morning, Madam," he greets politely. "Eat up," he motions towards the food as he lifts off the cover. "You've been dropping weight nonstop ever since you got here. The boss is not happy about it. He likes some meat on his bones."

I take one glance at the food and instantly cover my mouth, holding back the feeling of nausea as I quickly look away. The mention of the Joker wasn't helping at all, either. It's easier said than done, I just can't seem to keep anything down these past few weeks.

I thank his henchman as he leaves my room. Walking to my nightstand, I place the cover back on the dish as I couldn't stand the smell or sight of it. Slowly, I bend down to pull open a drawer, grabbing two small boxes out. Pregnancy tests that I bought a few weeks ago when I was paranoid and began suspecting that something was off. The dreadful thought of actually having to use them terrified me as I was scared to face the moment of truth.

Gathering up all my courage, I walked back into the washroom, closing the door behind me. Soon, sobs could be heard coming from inside the doors. I stared down at the test in my hand, somehow still refusing to accept the positive sign it displayed.

The thought of me carrying his child in my womb was revolting. I dropped the test as I bent over the toilet, unable to hold back the vomit this time. Anger, sadness, and fear hit me all at once,

I ran a million different possibilities through my head. I could get a secret abortion. I could jump off this building. I could stab myself in the stomach. Each thought made me hate myself even more for thinking them. But then I stopped myself. What would happen to my parents if I killed myself? God help their souls. How could I be so selfish.

~~ author's note ~~

I. Am. BACK!!! After 2 long years of cliff hangers...

I am so, so, SO sorry for leaving you all hanging. I admit I kind of abandoned this story halfway, leaving it unfinished.

University has definitely taken a toll on me and I simply could not focus any of my attention on finishing this story.

However, I have finally gathered myself together to publish yet another chapter after 2 years. I hope you all enjoy it, and a huge thank you to those of you who waited for me. Thank you for your patience and understanding and putting up with the half-finished story. Enjoy, as the craziness continues.

Cheers xox

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