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" Run! Get away from here!" she yelled at her brothers as they came flying around the corner of the ally way they were just in. As soon as the three of them knew that they where safe Christian, the oldest brother, looked at Haley and said with confusion and anger.

" What in God's name were you doing in that ally with a well known drug dealer, that is also known to be in one of the biggest gangs in this county?!?" She looked down at the ground for about 20 minutes as though looking for something to say.

" Well, are you going to answer my question?!" He asked again this time a little more aggravatedly.

" I was just trying to help you out bro. I overheard you two talking about how money was really tight right now," she said still looking at the ground, " So, I asked a friend if she could help me get some money to help pay the bills."

" So, going to a member of one of the biggest gangs in this area was her big idea!" he said with even more anger in his voice. He was so mad that he could just whip his little sister, just like their dad did, but at that thought his anger calmed by about 50% and he looked at the other brother with fear in his eyes instead of anger this time.

" What do you suppose we ought to do about this situation?" Andrew, the youngest out of the three of them, asked.

" We have to find a way to get Haley out of the mess she got herself into with out anyone getting seriously hurt in the process." Christian said with firmness in his voice, but deep inside he was scared for the events that would take place.

" I'm so sorry Chris," she said, calling Christian by the name he had gone by throughout his school years, " I did not know that she was talking about a gang member when she said that she knew someone that could help me get some money to help y'all out."

" I know you didn't know, but you should have came to me or Andrew to let us know that at least you wanted to help out," Chris said as he caught Haley in his arms before her knees hit the ground. Tears stain her face as she sobs into his shoulders.

Is she going to be okay? was the look Chris saw on Andrew's face, as he stood in front of the couch holding haley as she continuously cried into his shoulder, and all Chris knew to do was give Andrew an assuring nod of his head,

" Go on up to bed Haley, you have been through enough for one day." Chris said breaking the silence of the room.

"yeah, you need to rest while Chris and I try and figure out what we are going to do to safely get control over this situation" Andrew said with a half-hearted smile as Haley slowly walked out the room.

" I really am sorry guys I would have never started talking to him if I would have known he was that kind of person." she said with tears still staining her face as she disappeared around the entry way of their living room.

" It is hard to believe that mom and dad have been dead for going on five years now, it feels just like yesterday that dad was getting on to you and me saying ' Boys what have I told you two about fighting over that stupid video game? Do I need to take it away from the both of you' and then we would change our attitudes right then and there," Chris said with a chuckle trying to fight back the tears in his eyes.

" I know that you really miss them more then the rest of us ever could, but you got to remember that Haley and me also miss mom and dad a lot," he said softly but knew that Chris was affected the most by the deaths of their parents since he had been the one that was forced to watch as they were murdered and barely escaped with his own life, " But just remember what mom always told us as kids ' I love you my children more than you will ever know. When it is time for your dad and I to leave y'all just remember this one thing...... when we die don"t be sad we will be with the good Lord and will be waiting for you to join us so we can be a family again forever' as long as we never forget that mom and dad will be smiling down on us through this whole mess."

" I know...... I know, i hope that Haley can forgive me for snaping at her like I did after we got out of that ally" Chris said looking out of the window, where he has been since Haley had gone to bed. Only he knew what must be done to make sure that nothing would happen that this won't happen to anyone ever again.

" What is on your mind Chris?" Andrew said with a look of confusion on his face. " What plan have you come up with so far?"

" Nothing really so far Andrew. I am just thinking and hoping that we can put an end to this quickly." Chris said as he managed to put a fake smile on his face to hide the fear in his heart.

Just then the phone rang, breaking the deafening silence that had spread like a blanket over two brothers. Neither one of the brothers knew who would be calling this late, it had just turned 11:30 pm and the two of them were just about to head to bed and try and work out a plan in the morning to put an end to their current situation, so they let it go to voicemail and waited to hear who it was, but there was not a voicemail left and both the brothers were starting to worry it was the gangs leader telling them that he was getting ready to take care of the problem himself...

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