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The next day, as the sun was shining and the birds were singing, Chris, Haley, and Andrew had decided to go out for the evening to try and clear their minds. Not telling Haley, Chris and Andrew continued to ponder on the mysterious phone call from last night, they were afraid to tell her because they felt that if she found out that she would end up making a big mistake.

"Hey Haley?" Chris said as he was driving, "What would you like to do right now? whatever you want sis."

"It really doesn't matter to me Chris as long as I am with you two I will be able to make it." Haley said with a faint smile still trying to hold back the tear that seem to be a never ending reminder of how bad she had messed up this time.

Just as the smallest hint of relief was showing on their faces, Chris slammed on the breaks cause them all to jerk in their seats. Neither Andrew or Haley knew what was going on and they both looked at Chris with a look of confusion and anger, but Chris didn't even hint that he was going to return a look at them.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU CHRIS!" yelled Haley finally breaking the two minutes of silence that had started when Chris slammed the breaks.

"Yeah Chris, what was the break check for? There isn't anything in the road so there was not any reason for you to slam the breaks like that." replied Andrew after Haley's out burst.

Still Chris didn't respond in any way to show that he had heard anything that either one of them had said. After a few minutes of just sitting there Chris continued to drive like nothing had happened but was still ignoring their questions that were still waiting to be answered.

"Are you going to answer our questions Chris?" Demanded Haley this time with more anger then confusion, but still no reply from Chris.

Chris then suddenly bursting in tears screamed at the top of his lungs and held his head as though he had a headache. Then continued driving as though nothing had happened, confused his brother and sister looked at each other and then back at Chris. the two tried to get him to speak, but at last nothing seemed to work; until Chris decided that he was going to ask the same question to Haley as if he hadn't already. "Hey Haley, what would you like to do right now?Whatever you want sis."

Without thinking Haley reached over and slapped Chris as hard as she could from the back seat. Chris pulled off to the side of the road, then turned around with anger in his eyes and yelled, "what the hell was that for? Andrew and Haley just stared at Chris and then explained what just happened to him. Chris was oblivious to the events that just occurred and began apologizing for his actions.

Just as they were going to decide on what they were going to do that day, Chris' phone began ringing. As he answered the call all he heard was, "so you think hiding from the past will save your family? You know as well as I do that the past always comes back to bite you in the ass...." then the call ended. Chris put his phone back in his pocket, with out a second thought he said, " damn bill collectors won't stop calling me." Andrew and Haley just looked at Chris as though they know that it was not a bill collector on the other end of the phone.

"Where was it that y'all decided we were going to go today?" Chris asked with a smile on his face. Andrew and Haley both said simultaneously, "THE ARCADE!" Chris laughed, and as he was shaking his head put the car in drive and they were off to the arcade.

They arrived at the arcade around 10:30 in the morning and as they entered the building the smell of soda, candy, hot dogs, and popcorn overwhelmed them. they just stood there and took in the smells for a minute and the like little kids ran over to the coin machine then they were off to their favorite games.

Just as Chris was getting into his game his phone rang agian, and without looking he answered the call, "Chris here, what is up?" And then he heard a voice from the past say, "Chris it is Sarah," with that name a chill went down Chris' spine. "What do you want Sarah?" He asked his entire body shaking, "I thought we agreed to never speak to each other again."

"Can we talk Chris," Sarah asked with what sounded like tears forming in her eyes, "I really miss you and want to try and fix things between us." Then she began crying over the phone, and when Chris asked her to explain why she contacted him after five years. All she could say was that she was sorry for everything.

Chris walked out of the arcade unseen and then said with a deep breath, "Alright I will listen to what you have to say." With that Sarah began explaining the whole reason for their break up and everything that happened to the their relationship and why it ended up the way that it did. Chris, like any curious guy, listen to every word she said.

Sarah sounding a little more happier than she did when she first called then said, "would you give me the chance to make things right between us again?" Chris not know what to say was about to answer, when Andrew and Haley came out looking for Chris, and as fast they slung the door open Chris hung up the phone call with Sarah; leaving her in the dark on what Chris was about to tell her.

"Who was you on the phone with Chris?" Andrew asked curiously and with a smirk on his face. Chris replied back with a smirk on his face as well, "I told you guys those damn bill collectors will not leave me alone......"

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