Chapter 6

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A/N - Was the plot twist a little much? Haha. I kind of like where this story went. It went from being regular old smutty fluff to this odd story. I hope you still like it! Should I write more fics?


Castiel brought his wings in as tight as they could go, and he turned towards Dean.

He sighed and looked into those green eyes, now filled with an exclusionary rage. This is the moment Cas had been dreading for a long time. Now Dean knew he was hiding something from him, and Sam knew what that was. Cas looked back at Sam, angrily.

He gazed back at Dean, and spoke up,"Dean-,"

"Don't start, Cas! What the hell is going on?" Dean glared at both of them.

Sam opened his mouth to speak, but Dean silenced him immediately, "No, Sam. I need to hear this from Cas."

" I think it would be better if I just showed you." Castiel lifted his hand towards Dean's forehead, but a hand grabbed his wrist.

"Cas, just tell me what's going on." They locked their gaze on each other.

The angel made his intentions clear through their gaze, and Dean released his grip on Cas' wrist.

Dean felt two fingers gently press on his forehead then he remembered. He remembered everything perfectly.

He remembered the pain, the burning, the constant ripping apart of his soul.

He remembered giving in to Alastair, and inflicting the same horrible pain he had once endured to others.

He remembered the hope in the light he saw in his last moments in hell.

He remembered burning on his shoulder, and the feeling of being lifted.

Then he remembered the large white room and the beautiful form in front of him.

He instantly knew it was his angel, even in his true form.

He remembered the lingering warmth as the angel healed him.

He remembered falling in love.

It wasn't the normal type of love. It was a need, a pull, and the word love doesn't even begin to describe it. Like gravity pulling you further and further down until you finally give in. The angel had felt the same deep need for the human.

It was as if they had known each other forever. They had seen every light and dark side of their souls, and knew each other from the inside out.

He remembered a problem, and Dean needed to be sent back to Earth. 

He remembered not wanting to go without his angel, but Castiel had followed his orders, even though it hurt him, and erased Dean's memories of the events.

Cas still regrets making him forget. Every time he looked into Dean's eyes, he could swear that Dean remembers. He flexed his wings, very nervous for Dean's reaction, as he dropped his hand to his side.

Dean opened his eyes, and stared at Castiel for a long time.

A tear falling from the corner of Dean's eye interrupted their stare.

"I love you, Cas. Nothing will ever change that." Dean pulled his angel into a long gentle kiss, forgetting Sam's presence.

Sam slipped out of his room, hoping they would go back to Dean's bedroom. He strolled into the other room, and picked up the shards of paper Cas had destroyed.

Sam knew one thing for sure:

Castiel had fallen for humanity, and there certainly wasn't an easy way out.

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