chapter 4

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We turned a corner and Brad had pointed to a small dimly lit cafe. You could just faintly here the sound of an acoustic guitar being plucked gently. Throughout the whole walk here I avoided Brad’s gaze to spare myself from further embarrassment like tripping over my own feet or just losing my words.

The café’s warm air was able to heat my body up in a matter of seconds as we sat down in a small secluded corner. Brad sat across from me and picked up a small menu from the table and handed it to me. “It’s on me,” he stated proudly.

Smiling shyly, I took it and began to read the list. It was surprisingly a really good menu and I decided to go for a safe choice which was chips, some mint chocolate chip ice-cream, and a cup of tea. After I told my order to the waitress I turned to see Brad looking at me with a peculiar expression.

“What?” I asked smiling.

He shook his head and raised his hands up in defense. “Nothing, it’s nothing. I just.. I’ve never went on a date with a girl who ordered more than one dish.”

"This is a date?" I pursed my lips nervously. Panic filled me. I cant believe I just asked this. I was crossing boundaries. Oh god. I totally forgot he was merely just a stranger.

"I'm sorry- I- I meant.. Like-I-"

Obviously catching him off guard, I chuckled and saved him the further embrassment of having to explain himself. "I'm joking, I know what you meant."

He smiled appreciatedly and shook his head, "I just meant that not many girls who I buy food for actually buy something that would quench their hunger. “Oh my god…, I’m so sorry! I’ll just go up there really quick and tell her I just want the chips!”

On the verge of getting up, Brad chuckled lightly and shook his head. “No, it’s cool. Really. It’s just surprising to see.”

“A good surprise or bad?” I countered. He leant back in his chair as if to think about the question. “Well good, because it’s a change and I like a girl who can eat. And then there’s the bad side of it, I have to pay.”

I’m pretty sure if I could see my face right now I would look like a tomato. I felt myself get giddy in the stomach at his words and let out a breath.

“So, I never caught your name?” He smiled. There was something about the way his eyes brightened with interest. It was like they had their own little gleam. It entranced me but I had to control myself.

“It’s Freya but my mates call me Frey.” The waiter then brought my food over but unexpectedly bought everything I ordered. “I’ll guess I’ll eat the ice-cream now,” I said under my breath which caused Brad to laugh.

“Freya..”, he said slowly. I watched his face as he smiled to himself and sat back in his chair, picking up a chip from his own plate as he splattered ketchup all over them. “It’s original. It’s nice. I like it.”

For the thousandth time I blushed. “Thanks.”

“I’m Brad,” he said stating the obvious. “But I said it during the concert and yeah.. you probably already knew that.” I chuckled lightly and nodded.

Holding up a fry to point at him I said, “You’re in a band.”

“A band,” he repeated staring at me. We held an intense gaze and at this moment I just wanted to grab him by the shirt and crash my lips against his which was so unlike me. The way this lighting shined off of his hair made him look god-like and almost untouchable.

“A band,” I said slowly and ate another chip. He broke the eye contact as he reached for his soda and sipped it from a straw.

“Yeah,” he sipped again, “we literally just starting doing these gigs. I think it’s safe to say we’re getting big… Putting our name out there and all.”

I nodded in agreement as I raised my eyebrows. “You guys really are! I saw some girl screaming her guts off when she saw you guys walk out on stage.”

He put his face in his hand and scrunched his nose. Was he blushing? Oh my god he was! “Mr.Lady-killer, huh?” I teased some more which caused him to blush a darker shade of pink.

Sighing, he finally spoke. “Yeah, they’re quite funny, them lot. Absolutely mental but I love them.” I nodded along as he spoke, admiring the way he talked about his fans as if they were his family. Before I knew it, my mind wandered away from Brad and to his girlfriend. What was she doing right now? Why wasn’t Brad with her? Did they get into a fight after the tent situation? Did he feel weird going home with her after seeing me? Wait, why would he? He barely knew me? Why am I thinking about all of this right now?

“Where’s your girlfriend?” I blurted out, interrupting his sentence. I saw his smile slowly begin to diminish which made my stomach turn. Dammit Frey. “She’s at her house. Why?”

I shrugged and looked down but he wouldn’t take it. “No. Why did you ask that?”

“I just feel guilty because I’m having dinner with you. If you were my boyfriend I’d be a bit hurt about this,” I waved my hand across the table. He looked me in my eyes. “Well you're not so can we get back to having a good time?” He asked. I was tempted to say no and storm out of the café because of his tone of voice but there was something in the way he looked at me, almost like he was pleading for me to drop it.

I just nodded and smiled at him. “I’m sorry.”

He shrugged and smiled back at me. “So what did you think of my bands performance?”

“She’s got a wild heart… I’ve got a wild heart?” I recited his lyrics. He automatically knew what I was talking about and clicked his tongue. “Hey! I actually like that song, it has got a good rhythm to it!” He argued. I just chucked my head back and laughed. “It’s catchy, I’ll give you that.”

The rest of the night went more smoothly than I had imagined it would. By the end of dinner we sat for a bit more and laughed about our childhood mishaps until Brad decided to call a cab for the both of us instead of taking the tube which I was more than thankful for. I thought there would be an awkward goodbye but he seemed to be more experienced in that sort of thing as he coolly grabbed my phone and typed in his number and sent himself a text. “I’ll text you sometime, yeh? Maybe for my next gig you can be inside the tent rather than outside?” He winked. I rolled my eyes as I got out of the cab and walked up the stairs to my house. Oh how fate has done its magic again. 

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