Lucky In Love

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I disappointingly gazed upon the big red mark on my test paper, it was written on the top-right corner of the paper with a double rule: "47"

That's my score, my score in our Science test. We suddenly had a test today and most of the class knew, except me. And this was the score I got.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, looks like a big wound, huh?" Karma said, walking up behind me.

"Y-Yeah... But I did my best though, really. But science just isn't my thing." I said, shaking my head.

Karma then grabbed me from the side, by my waist, and held us close together. He smelled my hair in the process and sighing deeply into it.

"A for effort though." He said as he nuzzled my cheek.

"Right, but the score's still pretty bad though."

I handed to him my paper to show it to him, which he accepts and looked at it, later he laughed after he scanned it.

"You completely got the Electron Configuration wrong, Nagisa. It was supposes to go in an order like-"

I waved him off, "I know, I know but I completely forgot about that order. Pretty sure your type got it all correctly." I pouted.

"My type? Who? Ah, Okuda?"

I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, and stared. Karma just laughed at me.

"Okuda may be my type, but you're everything that I love. Hmm?"

I felt my cheeks heat up a little at what he said, true, if she was the one he loves then he wouldn't be my boyfriend, right? I have to say that I am lucky that she's just he's type.

He kisses my cheek to snap me out from my thought. I didn't realize then that he was swaying the both of us, gently.

"I guess I... y'know... yeah...."

He chuckled, softly. "Lucky?"

"...Lucky to be with you."

He kissed my cheek and nuzzled it again. He continued swaying us until we were almost dancing. I'm not a really good dancer though, I'll just let Karma lead me when we do.

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