Hot Weather Time!

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The day was hot. So very hot that you can't even stand outside for too long and all you wanted to do all day was sit in front of a fan. It wasn't even helping to know that the A/C was broken and can't be fixed until after a few days.

"So hoooooot..." Nagisa groaned, resting his chin on the table. He was feeling quite drained despite not doing anything that much. He finished doing chores pretty early today, because Karma actually helped him do it. He doesn't do them that much, y'know?

"Got that right..." Karma sighed as he leaned back from Nagisa's office chair. He had his polo unbottoned a few from the top to at least cool him from the inside of his clothes but it was too hot today even the wind was burning.

Both of them groaned in unison. If there was a thing that they both hate, it will be hot weathers.

"Karma-kun... When did they say again that the A/C will be fixed?"

"Probably by Wednesday..." he replied.

Nagisa twitched when he realized that today was Sunday. He then turned to his boyfriend who was lazily hanging from the chair inside his room and furrowed his eyebrows at the sight. No wonder he was feeling so hot, Karma was soloing the electric fan. Nagisa annoyingly stood up from his place and went to him, dropping his weight on Karma's lap and surprising him.

"Wha...! N-Nagisa?! What are you doing?!" Karma winced at his boyfriend's weight. Nagisa may be petite but he is surprisingly heavy.

"Soloing the fan now, aren't we?" Nagisa replied with a bit of bloodlust in his eyes. He glared at the red head who just shook at his gaze. Karma let him sit on his lap, now he was the one feeling hot.

Nagisa sighed blissfully in front of the fan, as if all his worries and problems are gone. He set it to the third level for the ultimate cooling sensation, and he sighed again.

Karma doesn't know what to do with him and just let himself hang again, letting Nagisa enjoy himself. He smiled at the sight if his boyfriend who seems pretty happy at what he just did.

'You think you're pretty smart, huh?' Karma thought.

Suddenly, Nagisa felt arms wrap around his body. He turned to see Karma hug him from behind and blushed. He squirmed and tried to push his boyfriend's arms away but Karma just made sure to tighten it up more, trapping Nagisa to him.

"Karma-kun...! You're not really helping...!"

The bluenette exerted more effort, now working up a sweat at each push he gives. It's no use, Karma's hug was too tight! And the heat was not really helping him. He later gave up when he finally realized that he's not letting go of him soon, instead he dropped himself on top of Karma, who gave an 'oof'.

"What's your next plan now, mister?" Nagisa teasingly said to the boy below him who was still trying to catch his breath.

"Hah," Karma coughed, "I think you know what's coming."

With that, Nagisa exactly knew what was next, especially when he felt lips kiss his nape. A laugh was all he can reply with.

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