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We all gasped in shock and everyone took a step back.

Some of us had suspicion on their faces, others downright terror as they looked at the Ultimate Killer, Melody.

"I knew you'd judge me." Melody sighed, resigning herself to her fate.

I went up to her and put my arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry, I trust you. Can we go explore the first floor of the space station now?"

We split up into groups and separated to explore the vast space station and its many rooms.

"There must be something enabling gravity here." I muttered.

My group-mates, Melody and Shannon, nodded and we went into the nearest room.

It seemed to be a library of some sort, nothing like the rooms we'd woken up in.

I marveled at the sophisticated design of the room, lined with shelves and shelves of books, lit up by a number of lights in the shape of fake torches.

There was a dark purple table with a book lying open on top of it. Words that I couldn't read swirled around it and it looked like the enchanting table I had seen before-


I couldn't remember!

I knew I was the Ultimate Gamer but I didn't know what game I loved most!

I started freaking out and took out a book at random, trying desperately to figure out my past.

The book was written in the same language of the words that swirled around the table.

Suddenly, Zayn, Sarah and Zay Nin came in through the library's door.

They looked in wonder at the books, before Zayn noticed the strange table.

She shrieked happily. "It's an enchantment table! Yes!"

I frowned. "What's an enchantment table?"

"It's for enchanting, spells and all that." she replied.

I gave Zayn the book I was holding. "What language is this? Do you know?"

"That's Standard Galactic. An ancient language, used for spell-casting." Zayn told me as she read the book.

We left the peaceful heaven of books and magic, heading for the Hall where we told everyone we would meet half an hour later.

I saw everyone already there, taking my seat I began, "What did you guys find?"

"We found a long hallway, with twenty-two rooms. Each room has our name on it and a pixelated version of our faces. I think that would be our rooms," Sara started.

"I found the Dining Hall. There was a massive kitchen, filled to the brim with every food possible. There was also a knife block," Amanda shuddered. "It would be dangerous. We should watch it."

"Our group found a staircase... I think there are another few floors, but this staircase was blocked by an electric fence. I don't think we should go there." Tiat Kai told us.

"We found a library. There was an... Zayn? What was it called again?" I asked.

"Enchantment table. Spells, charms and stuff." Zayn grinned, the purple fire once again in her palm.

"We found a room filled with tools, like hammers, crowbars-" Vivien began, but was cut off by Xinghui.

"HAMMERS?! CROWBARS?! They could be used as murder weapons!"

"We won't kill each other. Right...?" I asked softly.

Nods and murmurs of agreement rang out around the room.


Suddenly, Jess appeared in the usual puff of smoke.


She shrieked.

"What's Nighttime?" I asked, puzzled.

"Nighttime is the period of time from 10 pm to 7 am. No one is allowed to roam the rest of the space shuttle and locking your doors is recommended. Of course, I wouldn't mind you breaking the school rules if you want to try your luck at a murder!" Jess smiled evilly.

We gulped in fear.

Jess waved her hand and we were teleported to our rooms.

I locked the door with the gleaming golden key that I found on my bed. I looked at it and placed my chair in front of the door, just to be safe.

"We really wouldn't kill over this... would we?"

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