The Household Trial

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Author's Note

Hey guys, just a quick author's note before you begin.
In chapters like this one, where the Ultimate Titles gather clues, when a clue is found it will be shown as:
-Clue Found: [Insert Item Here]-
I got this idea from one of the DR fanfics that I've been reading, so credits to the owner of THAT fanfic.
Let's begin!



I gingerly stepped forward and looked closer at Hui Ting's body. There seemed to be a few cuts and scrapes on her body, but the main wound that probably had caused her death was a head injury.

The Ultimate Fangirl's head had been obviously smashed in with something hard, pink blood was leaking from the wound.

-Clue Found: Head Injury-

I saw the knife that she was holding. It looked as if she was using that for self-defense. It was one of the small fruit knives from the knife block in the kitchen.

-Clue Found: Small Knife-

I frowned and looked under the bed. My eyes widened.

There was a hammer.

A hammer under the bed, stained with Hui Ting's bright pink blood.

-Clue Found: Hammer-

The hammer was obviously the murder weapon, the murderer probably didn't have time to hide the weapon properly.

"Time is up!" Jess yelled through the intercom and we were teleported to the Hall.


It had changed since we were last there, there were sixteen stands with our pictures on them. Hui Ting's picture was X-ed out with pink blood. I tried not to look at it.

We all took our places at our stands and Jess sat on the stage on a golden throne.

There was also a golden slot machine with all our faces on it and the screen behind was showing a pixelated Jess avatar, grinning and flashing her red eye evilly.

"Let the Household Trial,"



"Let's start with the cause of death." TE, the Ultimate Scientist, suggested.

We agreed and I thought about the head injury that Hui Ting had sustained.

"Uh, I think the main reason for Hui Ting's death was the major injury to the head." I told the others.

"Yeah, I agree with Kitty. There was a serious injury to Hui Ting's head, which looks like only a hard object could've caused it." Bi Rui thought aloud.

"I found a hammer under the bed. The murderer obviously didn't hide it properly enough.." I scoffed, remembering the hammer that I found.

Everyone stopped to think for a while. These clues matched up, the hammer obviously was the murder weapon.

"I found this..." CO murmured. She held on a small scrap of brown fabric.

"Only three people here wear brown!" Yun Hui narrowed her eyes. "Xinghui, Bi Rui and Nicale."

"Guys, Hui Ting was holding a knife that was stained with blood. She might've used that to harm the attacker and put up a fight." I suggested.

"True, true..." TE agreed. "Three of you, take off your brown jackets and show us that you're innocent."

Xinghui and Nicale immediately shook of their jackets, determined to prove themselves innocent.

Bi Rui, however, didn't move a muscle.

Our eyes widened.

"Bi Rui! Please remove your jacket and show them that it wasn't you!" Amanda pleaded.

Bi Rui gulped. "It wasn't me, I swear! Please, if you vote for me you're all going to die!"

"Take of your jacket and prove it." Melody looked at Bi Rui with cold eyes.

"No, please, it wasn't me! I didn't do it!" Bi Rui protested.

"TAKE. OFF. YOUR. JACKET." Zayn shouted threateningly, purple fire erupting in her hands.

"FINE! I DID IT, OKAY?" Bi Rui screamed, throwing off her brown jacket.

We all gasped as sure enough, her arms were covered in fresh knife marks.

"It was by accident though! I swear! She was trying to kill ME!" Bi Rui pleaded for her life. "Please don't kill me..."

"Someone has to make a climax inference. Describe what happened during the murder." Jess said, eyes alight with malice as she looked at the trembling Bi Rui.

"I'll do it." TE stood up.

We all looked at the Ultimate Scientist gratefully, no one really wanted to condemn Bi Rui to her miserable fate.

"During Nighttime, Hui Ting probably invited Bi Rui to her room, to chat or something. Bi Rui had brought a hammer from the Art Room, just in case Hui Ting tried to kill her."

"Hui Ting indeed leapt at Bi Rui with knife drawn, prepared to take her life so she could go home. Bi Rui, being the Ultimate Scout and the stronger of the two, quickly gained the upper hand and hit Hui Ting with the hammer she was carrying."

"Noticing the time, she quickly made sure Hui Ting was dead by cutting her arms with her own knife, then placed the knife into her hands and shoved the hammer under the bed, not knowing where else to hide it."

"Bi Rui then escaped and ran to the Dining Hall, just as everyone else arrived, leaving the body of Hui Ting in her own room, stained in blood."

TE sat down, sweating nervously. She looked to Jess for confirmation.

Jess cackled and nodded. "It's voting time! Please choose the person you think is the culprit."

Golden tablets rose from the ground and faces of every Ultimate Title popped up. Hui Ting's avatar was faded and had a cross on it. With shaking fingers, I tapped on Bi Rui's face.

The slot machine shuddered to life and all three landed on Bi Rui's face. Confetti blasted and Jess shrieked happily. "That was indeed what happened to Hui Ting, the Ultimate Fangirl! It's Punishment Time for you now Bi Rui."

Bi Rui shrunk back, screaming and pleading. "No! She tried to kill me first! I was just defending myself! Please!"

Jess hit the big red button which would end Bi Rui's life.


On the screen above, a pixelated version of Jess came out, pulling Bi Rui by the neck with a chain.

G A M E  O V E R

The text read.

Bi Rui looked around fearfully and a robotic arm shot out from the darkness and wrapped itself around Bi Rui's neck, dragging her screaming into the darkness beyond.

We followed sadly.

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