Pregnacy part 2

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It had been three days. Three days of silince from her. Tobias paced in his room. She wasn't at school and everytime he want to visit her he wasn't aloud inside. Her family said she was sick. And now.. Now he had pulled away his own curtain and was looking over to her window, he hadn't expected to see anything, her curtains had been pulled down everyday this week but today he saw her.

Her blonde hair she had always loved and cared for was unwashed. She was wearing a tank top and old sweaters, something she would rarely wear and she stood before the mirror looking at herself.

I took my phone up and dialed her number

One ring

Two ring

Three ring

And I saw her pick her phone up and sigh and then just laid it down again when she saw it was me who called. She then turned around and her eyes met mine across our houses and we held eachothers stare for a long time before she pulled the curtains back down.

I wanted to go over there. To talk to her but I already knew I wouldn't be let inside so Instead I walked downstairs and sat down in the couch watching TV

I woke up by yelling outside and when I looked out Tris and Caleb was standing outside the house yelling at eachother. And then Tris picked up a bag from the street and opened the car door.

The car drove away and Caleb, Nathalie Prior and her father Andrew Prior stood at the street looking after it.

And this was the time I lost my girlfriend without even knowing it. Because Tris, she never came back after that day and her parents and brother never talked about her to anyone. So she just disapeared. She just left..

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