The First Time Our Eyes Met

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"How was your summer?" Shauna asked me as I slumped deeper down into the chair. This class was really boring. I hated mathematics!

"Same.. As usually" I said with a side smile. I always spent time with my father at our summer house in Lake Forest. It was this kind of place where people eith money used to spend tjere summers. There was big houses with pools, docks with sailing boats and a milelong beach. I was there every summer.

"Any new chicks?" Zeke asked. Zeke was Shaunas boyfriend

"A couple" I said. There were always girls in Lake Forest. Girls with short shorts and slim bodies and shades the size of an apple.

"Did you.." Zeke started but was caught off by the door slammed open and a girl ran inside. She was panting.

"I am sorry.." she begged as she gave Mr Lockhart our teacher a piece of paper "I got lost".

She stood before the teacher and she had all eyes on her and she seemed to love the attention. The girl had blonde curly wild hair that cascaded her small and skinny body. Her long legs were draped in some kind of high heel boots and she was wearing a short denim skirt with a tanktop.that ended over her bellybuttom. She had a jewellery in her bellybuttom and a Tattoo was shown at her waist just above the skirt.

I could see all the guys drool and all the girl in the class have jealous faces. She was stunning

"Welcome miss Prior" Mr Lockhart said as he gestured for her inside she room. The girl smiled with her red lips. Her eyes darted over our faces but her eyes stayed at mine.

It was like noone else mattered as I locked eyes with this girl. I could no longer hear the teacher talk or feel Shaunas laugh beside me or even know what kind of joke Zeke just had told her. All that mattered was me and this girl.

She started to walk inside the classroom. Her shoes did clicking sounds and she never broke our eyecontact one before she sat down in the row before me. She turned her head towards us and smiled

"I am Shauna" Shauna greeted "And this is my boyfriend Zeke" she said "And next to him is Four - He ia singel by the way" She said as I elbowed her in the ribs

The girl laughed "Tris" she said and her eyes one again stayed locked on mine.

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