Daily Comments : November

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Daily Comments



You'll never realize the freedom if rolling around your bedroom in your office chair.


It's funny how when we say how we know something, it's like the only reason. Eg. "It's by Lady Antebellum BECAUSE it's on my iPod."


I hate when my water isn't working, it's just like, "Hey, can you fix the water? I feel like I just went swimming in a pool of grease..."


I think everyday, how disrespectful kids these days are, and then, I realize that I'm still kinda a kid, and then, I think, 'I'm gonna hate life if I have to work with these people.'


I'm going to have a million kids, or they're gonna have really long names. I keep saying 'I'm gonna name my kid...' I'm also gonna have a ton of famous husbands. This time I keep saying '_________ is so hot, and he's funny, I really wanna marry him.'


That awkward moment when your chewing gum, then you get all excited, and your gum falls out if your mouth.


Kid #1: "Can I borrow a calculator?"

Teacher: "I don't have one, you'll have to use your head."

Kid #2: "You can't use something that's empty."


I hate when I'm doing something and then an authoritative person calls me. I feel like I'm going to get in trouble for nothing, like there's some rule against being nice, or doing your homework, or whatever.


I live in a small town. Really small. I was talking to my cousin, who happens to be from a city, and she didn't believe how small it was. So, she asked how many McDonalds we have, and I laughed, because I'm not even sure if the place I'm from qualifies as a town- I think it's a village.


Does anyone else get super dry hands in the winter? Cause I do, and I hate wearing bulky gloves to school, because then I'd be hot, like, really hot, so I go to Walmart, to buy a set of magic mitts. (Super thin gloves.) Then I realize that magic mitts are for babies, so I have to buy a very small pair of gloves for my very large hands. It really sucks.


Last year, my social class decided there could be a million and one things that could go wrong with a system ( I forget what the system was, it had something to do with politics. ) So everyone was "What if..." My social teacher got so mad she went out and bought a cupcake, this was actually a piggy bank shaped as a cupcake, but nonetheless, we called it THE CUPCAKE. Every time we said 'what if...' We had to put our names in the cupcake. If our names were in the cupcake three times, we had to bring treats.

I blame my social teacher for my bad teeth.


I was at practice, and I just couldn't get this drill right, so I decided that I'm good at everything, except for on Tuesday


It's the simple words I have trouble spelling, and I know everyone says spellcheck is a pain in the neck, and I think so too, but without it, we'd all be screwed.


I hate how cliché people are these days, when your playing truth or dare, whenever you pick truth, you get asked who you like.


I was listening to Luke Bryan That's My Kind Of Night, and everyone was signing along, and someone, instead of saying "Row row row on row," they said "row row row my boat."


"Did you know that that's illegal?" Did you know I' not a police officer??


I'm one of those people who doesn't use measuring cups properly, I use them to estimate. That's why my food tastes so good.


Boy : Go make me a sandwich!

Girl : Why would I?

Boy : Because you're a girl and girls were meant to make sandwiches.

Girl : Well guys were made to be quiet and you can't seem to shut up, so you must be a girl, so make your own dang sandwich!


Chocolate ice cream, the best remedy for heartbreak, ice cream and chocolate mixed together!


*goes to LaZenza to buy perfume, comes home*

Mom: "Young lady, what were you doing in LaZenza?!?!?!"


All I heard today was "I'm going to see Catching Fire!!!!" I hate you.


Catching Fire people!!!!! *screaming in excitement*


I hate making decisions, it's so difficult I want to cry.


If you were doing something you love, but someone was making it extremely clear that they hate you, would you continue?


Always beware of the creeps.


Who decided that gingers have no souls? What if they're favorite song had a line in it that said 'Take another piece of my soul' what would happen then?


Why you gotta hate? Why not just love?


What the heck??? Why??? What did I ever do to you??? Why be like that??? Where did that come from???? How'd we get from there to here?? 5W's and 1H. Bam.


When you go to a dance, you're supposed to dance, not just stand there. It's called a dance, not a stand.


I'm gonna be a crazy cat lady, I can tell right now because I have three cats and no one will dance with me at dances.

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