The Hunger Games part 1

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This is a list of stuff that I've noticed is wrong with The Hunger Games (the movie) I'm a huge fan, I've read the books several times, and I've watched the movie at least three times. Please comment if you notice any mistakes with the spelling, the names, etc. I'm pretty sure I have most of it right, but I can never be completely sure. Thanks :-)

1. Madge Undersee

Madge is the one who gave Katniss the mockingjay pin. Their friendship is very important in the book, and the reason the mockingjay pin is so important to the books is because it was Madge's aunt's. Madge's aunt was picked for the Hunger Games the same year as Haymitch, the 50th. She died, but the pin stayed in possession of Madge's mother. Madge's aunt was Katniss' mother's best friend. Which is also another reason that Madge is so important, which is why it has bothered me since I was introduced to the books that Madge isn't in the movie.

2. Avox

The Avox are really important, but they kind of follow a different story line, which is why, I assume, they are not explained In the movie, however they are still there. Anyway, the first Avox is a girl who gets to Katniss because Katniss could have saved her. She was out in the woods and the Avox and a boy were running away, we collect, from the Capitol. This of course was before she was made an Avox. Her and Katniss make eye contact with each other right before a hovercraft catches her and the boy. The boy is killed right away, and the girl has her tongue cut out, Katniss felt guilty for the longest time, and seeing her renews that feeling. Also, in the quarter quell, when Katniss returns to the training centre, Darien, one of the former peacekeepers from District 12, is one of the new servants. He is placed on the District 12 floor to get to Katniss. This was a direct hit from President Snow.

3. Butterball

Butterball is Prim's cat. The thing that bothers me has little to do with the books, but the movies. In The Hunger Games, Butterball is black and white. In Catching Fire, Butterball is orange and white. Of course, in the book, Butterball is a yellowy color, so I agree more with Catching Fire, but still, couldn't you use the same cat?

4. The cornucopia

The cornucopia in the book is gold. In both movies the cornucopia is silver. Details!!

5. The meeting at midnight

In Catching Fire, the book, at the victor party in the Capitol, the head gamemaker (I can't remember his name, and I'm way to lazy to go downstairs to get the book) shows his pocket watch to Katniss during their dance, which, by the way, has a mockingjay on it, and says something that means he's got to go to a meeting that is top secret. IT STARTS AT MIDNIGHT. He says that very clearly, and in the movie, they completely cut that out. Iris is the only reason that Katniss figures out the clock in the movie, but in the book, she has the help of the words.

I'm only going to do five today, but based on amount of votes, I will add more, I will defiantly add at least one more part to this, but maybe more. Also, comment your complaints and I will add them. ;-)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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