Chapter 1

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Before reading I would like to give credit to'golden-haired-hero' from Tumblr who came up this AU idea, and to thank them for allowing me to use it, thank you c':


Have you ever felt that?

That feeling of loneliness.

That feeling that takes over mind, and makes you believe you have no meaning to the world.

I know that feeling very well.

It's painful.

I don't understand why I have to suffer-

'I never did anything bad..So why me?..'

That question always floods my thoughts.

Worst of all,it was a question I will never have a answer to.

Well at least that's what I thought.


When I was six years old my mother died from over working herself.

She was always kind and did whatever anyone asked- even those who never deserved it.

My father was hardly ever around- he worked overseas a lot.

I hardly remember him from before my mom died.

Even so-Deep deep inside it hurt me..

'Why wasn't he here all this time?'

'Why didn't he stay by mama's side when she was in pain?..'

I don't hate my dad though..
I mean, after moms death he quit his , and came back to Japan to take care of me.

We had to move around a lot though for his job.

So growing up I never really had friends.

My classmates would talk to me from time to time- no one was mean.
But there were more days of me not speaking at all in school then when I did.
And whenever I got home it would be more silence.

Dad was always busy at work.
He took as much shifts as he possibly could .

So i was always left alone to make my own food, and wake up in the mornings to leave for school.

Even on holidays, and both our birthdays, I was alone.

Nothing has changed.

My father received a job promotion so we had to move again.

My first day of high school is just around the corner.

In all honesty though, this is better then switching schools mid year like all the other times.

Yet, I was still scared.
Even so, the house we moved into was nice.
It had two floors, plus a basement- 3 bedrooms- 3 washrooms, and kitchen and living room.

But, since my dad had to start work right away, it was up to me to start unpacking everything.

I started with the kitchen, then living room, washroom, and so on.

The day, went by quick thanks to all the unpacking.

When it was finally around 8:30 p.m I made my way to my room.

My room was a pretty nice size, it wasn't huge, but it had a nice amount of space.

The walls were blue, and on the left side from where the door is, was a closet with white doors, while on the right side on the center of the wall stood large which already had closed shutters on it, and in the center of the back wall between the one with the closet and window stood my bed which the movers had brought in for me, as well as my desk to work on, and my clothes drawers.

I sat next to the window and started taking things out of one of my boxes.
Both me and my dad didn't have a lot of things to unpack for our rooms- mostly just clothes and bed sheets.

One by one, I took my clothes out of the box and began organizing them into piles.

'Shirts can go here..Pants here..socks..oh, underwear t--'

My thought was cut off from the sudden sound of something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

It sounded like a instrument, but I couldn't the sound properly.

I looked to my window which the shutters were down on not allowing me to see through.

It sounds like it's from out here..

I turned my body on my knees directly in front of the window, as i took the knobs of the shutters and slowly pulled them fully .

I don't really know what happened.

But my eyes widened, as I felt my heart beat fast.
I slid the window open a bit allowing the sound to come through clearly.

What I was looking at, was a boy..

He had messy, dirty blonde hair with dark roots on top, wearing a grey T-shirt.
He was sitting on his bed gently strumming a guitar.
The sound was so soothing.

I don't know why, but I just froze staring at him.
It was as if he put me into a trance without even knowing it.

'He's kinda cu-'

"Hide! I need your help with something!" Yelled a voice making me jumped while breaking me from my thoughts

"Coming mom!" he responded lying his guitar down

'W-Wait, I need to move or e-else h-h-h-'
I was panicking looking side to side, but even before I moved, I heard a voice.

"Hey!" The voice was cheerful and warming.

I slowly turned my head to the window fidgeting nervously, until our eyes met.

I couldn't speak at all, I just stared at him as my heart went faster and faster.

"I thought I heard something about new neighbors moving in." He said with a warm soft smile.

It didn't even look like he was faking the smile- It looked so sincere- like he was actually happy.

"My name's Nagachika Hideyoshi, but you can call me Hide!" He grinned even brighter.

I gulped from nervousness.

'I need to introduce myself too! come one Kaneki spe-'

"Hide hurry!" Yelled the same voice from before.

"Okay, one second!" He yelled back

"I guess I'll see you later, maybe we can hang out sometime." He says with a smile before getting up, and leaving his room.

I quickly closed my shutters and fell on my back on the floor, as I breathed in and out deeply.

'Why am I being like this?..Is it because he's someone my age who actually spoke to me with interest?...No..even before that it was weird..what is this feeling?..'

I closed my eyes in confusion trying to calm down to the point where I fell asleep on the floor.

This was the beginning of everything.


A/N: Thanks for reading! leave a comment and vote if you'd like more c:

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