Chapter 2

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I slowly opened my eyes.

It took me a minute to remember where I was.

I sat up on the floor, before stretching my arms over my head and releasing a yawn.

'Wait..Why did I fall asleep on the floor?..'

I then remembered my encounter with Hide.

'No, no..that must have been a dream..I probably passed out from packing all day..' I thought letting out a sigh of relief.

If that scenario really did happen it would be so embarrassing.

I had no doubt that it was a dream, as I stood myself up from the ground.

I took my phone out of my pocket, and read the time '12:52 p.m'

'I slept pretty long..that's rare..'

I then noticed that I had a new message.

The only contact I have on my phone is my dad..I guess it was more of a thing I carried around in case on emergencies.

-Kaneki, thank you for unpacking everything, I'm very grateful. You're first day is tomorrow, so make sure you to prepare everything you need for it, I'll see you when I get the chance-

"When I get the chance.." I whispered quietly.

'It's okay..I mean..He's just doing this for me..I-I'm grateful..' I thought while clutching my phone tightly.

'It will be okay..'

I made my way out of my room down to the kitchen.

I took two slices of bread and put them in the toaster.
While waiting for it to finish I sat at the table looking down at my hands.

It was that sound again..

A sound hard to ignore.

The sound of silence.

It's never ending..

No matter what, it's always quiet.. 

Sometimes I forget I even have a voice.

'Maybe i'm better off not having one at all..'

The toaster then went off.
I spread some peanut butter on it and began eating.

'I still need to unpack my things in my room..I'll do that next.'

When I finished my food I began to make my way upstairs.

But then- the doorbell went off.

My eyes widened, as i began fidgeting.

'I-I should answer it, right?..'

I took a deep breath, before slowly making my way to the door.

I realized my hand was shaking as I turned the knob.

'Am I really doing this?..'

Somehow I managed to open it keeping my gaze to the ground.


my eyes widened once again.

'That voice..'

I  steadily turned my gaze upward, as my eyes met with a warm brown coloured gaze.

'I-It's him! s-so was that not a-'

"It's me from yesterday, my mom wanted to give the new neighbors a welcoming gift, so I said I'd do it for her." He smiled brightly, holding a basket that contained a freshly made pie.

"T-Thank you.." I managed to say in a quiet tone looking down once again.

"No need to thank me." He said with a laugh in his tone

"If anything you should thank my mom- I don't know the first thing about cooking, or baking, whatever it's called."

I slight smile grew on my lips.

'He's funny..'

"Anyway, I was wondering if you'd finish unpacking, I don't have any plans today so I'd be happy to help!"

"Don't worry..I can finish the rest on my own." 

"But what's the fun in that?" He responded 

"W-What do you mean?.."

"Well it's boring to do stuff like that on my own, so I bet it's boring for you too."

"I guess bu-"

"You see! You just agreed! Sooo let me help!"

I was way to nervous...This wasn't normal for me at all..

I always did things alone, that's just how it, I don't want him to waste his day with me.

"Wouldn't you much rather do something else?" I asked

"Nope, I wanna help you."


"Okay, how about this, repay me for bringing you this pie by letting me help you!"

"But your mom made it."

"Yeah, and I could've ate it, but I was good and walked alllllll the way here from my kitchen holding back from having it just for you." 

I felt myself laugh on the inside.

"Are you sure?.."

"Are we going to keep standing here until we're skeletons, or?" He laughed a bit.

I gulped, as I moved away from the door letting him inside.

'Is this actually happening?..' 

"Woah, your house is practically a replica of the inside of my house."

"C-Come..You can put the pie on the table in the kitchen." I said quietly as he followed me there.

I stood behind him as he placed it down.

I glanced up at him really fast before he turned back around fully.

'Why does my heart go so fast if we make eye contact?..'

"You don't live here alone, do you? That'd be kinda weird, you'd need a good paying job to be able to pay for this house alone." 

"N-No, I live with my dad..He works a lot so he's not usually around.."

"Ah, I see, and your mom?"

I stiffened from that question.

"S-She' longer with us.." I whispered quietly

There was a long moment of silence.

I kept my gaze to the floor.

When suddenly felt something warm on my shoulder.

I looked to see Hides hand clutching my shoulder gently.

"You're really strong, aren't you?"

I was shocked my his words.

I was expecting pity.

Him to say sorry and such.

But- I was wrong.

I didn't how to respond so I slowly looked up at him.

Our eyes meeting once again.

His gentle smile making me feel warm and calmer, yet nervous inside.

"T-Thank you.." 

He laughed lightly.

"C'mon, let's start unpacking the rest of your stuff."

"Okay.." I responded taking my gaze off him once again.

"I unpacked everywhere..My room's the only thing left." I add leading the way upstairs.

"You unpacked everything on your own in one day!? Are you some next level ninja!?" 

"W-Wha- no of course not." 

"Are you sure? It would take me daysssss." 

"Yes, I'm sure." I felt a smile tug on my lips, as we entered my room.

"Ah, so this is what this room looks like, I always wondered what it was like in here." Said Hide

"I see." I said smiling lightly

"So which box should I do first?"

"You can do that half of the room, and I'll do these ones." I said before sitting by the window opening the box I didn't finish clearing the previous day.

We began taking things out and organizing them.

Hide would ask me where I'd want certain things and I'd point where.

Sometimes he would say some silly stuff that would make me laugh.

I can't remember the last time I've laughed..

Probably when my mom was still alive.

"K-a-n-e-k-i k-e-n, Kaneki Ken- Is that your name?" He asked reading it off of my new school notebooks which I had packed in a box.

Hearing him say my name made my heart beat fast once again.


"So I should call you Kaneki then?" He asked warmly


"Do you remember my name?" 

"H-Hide." I stuttered out

"Woah, you actually remembered- It usually takes me a while to remember names, yours should be easy though."

"Say, you're going to Kami high, right?" He added.


"Thought so! Do you know the way there?"

I shook my head to say no.

"In that case, I'll come here tomorrow morning and help you out!"

"Y-You don't have to.." I said quietly

"I want to!"

'I don't understand why he's being so nice to me like this..'

"Is it your first year of high school too!?" 


"So we're the same age! Awesome!"

I smiled hearing him say that.

After some more time we were finally done.

"I guess I should get going now, my mom's probably wondering what's taking me so long."

"I-I see.." 

The fact that he had to go made me sad.

I know his room is right next to mine, and I'd see him in the morning, but still- I don't know..

"I'll walk you to the door." I say as i stand up.

We made our way downstairs, as I opened the door for him

"I'll see you tomorrow then! oh! and thanks for letting me help you!" 

I looked up at him seeing his warm smile once again.

"See you tomorrow." I responded with a soft smile.

He then walked out waving, and I waved back.

I then closed the door breathing out deeply.

'This is so strange..'

I went to my room and lied on the bed staring at the ceiling 

'I feel like none of this is real..'

'It can't be..'

'Good things never happen to me..'

'Maybe it really is all a dream..'

But- I was wrong.


A/N: please vote and comment for more ;;u;;

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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