Rede To Die

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Walking through woods I could feel the twigs snap and the ground crunch. Why was it so Cold? My throat became so dry. I wrapped my hands around myself slowly walking further through the trees. The surroundings began to change along with the dream. Trees began to die and the ground started to turn to 2ft deep snow. I kept my pace as I walked deeper into my own nightmare. The dryness in my throat became an irritating smell. The smell of burning. What was that stench? It gave me horrible ideas,but I knew I never came across this smell before. Somehow not noticing the trees were gone. I stood outside the woods. Looking around I saw people. The people were yelling and throwing stones. Walking closer I smelt the disgusting smell more stronger. As I came to the front of the crowded people I saw darkness. Why would they do such a horrible thing to someone? A young girl was tied to an Elm tree while Men and Women threw stones at her. The fear in her eyes was so sadistic. This was so Cruel. "Stop!!" "Stop Doing this," I yelled throwing myself infront of the young girl. As the people dropped there stones and started to back up I saw there smiles. Evil was brought over these mad people. The smiles aggitated me so bad,but then I felt a blaze of warm heat breeze over me. Slowly turning around I saw the young girl and the tree Burning. Taking my last breathes I began to cry. The girl screamed so loud while the flames swallowed her body. Bringing myself to my knees I dug my hands into the snow. The smell of burnt flesh brewed the air. Why couldnt this nightmare just end? I felt weak,like the strength I had was hopeless. The young girl died because of me. I was too late. But why? Why was she killed like that? I had no more answers. "Jonah....Dont Let go,"said the voices. Bringing myself to my feet I stood staring at my surroundings. It all was gone. The smell,the trees,the snow,..the young girl. I was standing in my bathroom. Staring at my reflection. There was nothing, but fear in his eyes. My eyes. Where did I just go? I went back to bed and felt my heart beat. It was warm. I layed next to Albert and closed my eyes again. The nightmare was

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