Part Three : Nothing's Changed

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Normal P.O.V

Aya , blood-mottled and angry , walked up to Maria's dead body . She then kicked her body and left , not even bothering to clean up .

A few years later Aya had realised her big mistake and deeply regretted it , she grew lonely and introverted she closed her business but continued to help others . No one new what triggered such a change inside her but she had changed .

Also , the Drevis Household was rebuilt ,every little part was exactly as it used to be , apart from the placement of the furniture and the family living there .

They where an extremely wealthy family of 3 , to buy that house they obviously didn't know the events that last took place there .

Dio's P.O.V

The house is like its was ( almost ) before it was burnt . It felt comforting to be back here .

But there is a new family here , so there's a risk of getting seen . Well, Aya thought of me as a ghost at first , so hopefully so should they .

I paced around the room , my footsteps echoing around it . It was complete darkness but this darkness was familiar. For some reason it feels nice to be like this . Engulfed in nothing but black .

Suddenly a bright light came and covered my face , streaming from the open door . I hid behind the curtain and waited .

A little girl happily skipped in , switched on the light and sat down with her dolls . She was the youngest in the family I think . I admit that she's cute . She reminded me of how Aya used to be . I missed the happy girl she was .

While she was busy with her dolls , I took this as my chance to get past her . I silently crept behind her hoping to not get noticed but that was no use .

She snapped her head back and stared at me , I could see the front of her face now , she had short black hair and sea blue eyes (Like Aya) .She also wore a small red dress with tiny blue bows on it .

She quickly stood up and dropped her doll . She ran , leaving it lying there limply .

I could hear her crying
"Mummy mummy , there's some......someone our " in the distance .

They slowly walked hand in hand towards the room I was in .

Oh no , they'll definitely see me this time .

" Hey " said I quiet voice .
I turned around to see two girls . Both of them subjects of Alfred , the ones I made think that I was one of them . Wait they were supposed to not be here anymore .

The one who spoke first was Ines . Her dusty , greasy blond hair swaying gently as she rocked her head side to side humming an unknown song . Her white dress creased and dirty , they don't have to care though , they're dead .

The second one was the eyeless girl I never caught the name of , she had seemed to have lost her eyes again . Instead of her usual braids she had her hair flowing behind her the blond colour shining brightly .

"Come with us , we'll help you . After all your sort of like us " Ines stated . Wait sort of , so she found out , huh . They grabbed my hand and lead me to the basement . Alfred's basement .

The eyeless girl turned around slamming the door closed and locking it .
" Thanks Ines and uhhhh..."
"Violet , call me Violet " She said with a smile on her face .
(A.N: I don't know her real name it wasn't said in the game , I named her after Viola from The Witches House because everyone thinks she's her)

"We have to be careful , they could find us " Violet said her happy mood disappearing quickly .

So we have to hide , huh . This is no different to how we were before .Before Monica came back and cursed Alfred...

I have no doubts it will happen again .

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