Quadrille of Depravity and Prohibition

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Kuro Tachibana got up at sunset as usual, getting into her uniform she went out and went to her bike. grabbing an apple as she went. Kuro's bike was ordinary and black, she went for a small ride around the street. Coming back after taking a stop to get herself lunch from the local bakery she rode to school.

In school she chained her bike up and grabbed her shoulder bag. Kuro started running to  catch up to Ritsuka, eventually stopping and staying quiet when she greeted him, only giving a small nod at her.

Kuro followed Ritsuka as she grabbed her shoulder when they got to the staircase of the third library. " It'll be fine. I'm here any way." Ritsuka nodded and the two kept going. As they entered they saw them. Kuro growled slightly as she faced them. Three smelled of demons, while another smelt a bit different if Kuro could just put her finger on it. Two were blondes, one was more buffer though, the other had green eyes. Another had orange hair and eyes. The one that smelt different had purple hair and red/orange eyes.

" Ritsuka Tachibana, Kuro Tachibana." " Yes that's us." " Rem Kaginuki, president of Shiko Academy's student council. Glad you were able to meet with us. Though I wish it were under better circumstances." Kuro stayed quiet as Rem and Ritsuka argued.        " Watch out this one talks back. She's got a mind of her own." The orange head said." This got interesting." The buff one said, " Not to mention exciting." The purple head spoke. Kuro kept quiet. That was when a chill went up her spine, Rem was trying something. Kuro quickly got a raven black feather into her hand without anyone noticing, a bright light came and she shot the feather. Making Rem step back, everyone stared, tow were looking at her as she looked out a window. Ritsuka left after this episode and excusing herself. But as Kuro went to follow her she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to see Rem, Ritsuka had left. Kuro was alone with the four males.

They surrounded her like vultures, she knew what they were after with her. They wanted to know if it was her, if it was Kuro that sent that feather.  The bell went and Kuro sprinted out.

Kuro sighed as she rode her bike home, it was a mess. Her stomach flipped, she went inside. Ritsuka wasn't there, Kuro went back on her bike and went around the street again. Ritsuka wasn't anywhere she went.

Next day Kuro was in the third library. Ritsuka had just walked in and Kuro raced to Ritsuka and grabbed her arms, staring into her eyes she spoke. " Where were you, last night! I was so worried about you. I looked everywhere for you!" " I'm sorry." Kuro sighed as the boys, Shiki, Urie and Mage came up to them.

Shi no ōkami: Kuro Tachibana. ( Dance with Devils)Where stories live. Discover now