The Phantom Thief

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It was night again and it was time to get the book. I spread my wings and I flew off. The museum that held the book was guarded, but I slipped through grabbing the book and flying off again. I landed on a roof that was near a small lake. But what I saw surprised me. I blinked and they were gone. I swear I saw the four devils, shaking my head I flew off. Dropping the book off and going to sleep. 

" Did he notice us?" One voice said, " No" Another responded, " Well that's good." A deeper voice stated. Another growled " No its not." " Why is that?" " That was Kuro Tachibana."

It was a normal day and I sighed, I dragged a hand through my hair and shook my head. I swear I saw them last night. I put my bag in my locker and grabbed my sketch pad. I started walking to my art class thinking of last night. As I entered the classroom I took my seat and my mind switched to Shiki, I missed him a lot. And I've held off on other men as all they wanted was what was down there. Not my personality they disgusted me honestly.  I started drawing. And I thought of that man for the whole lesson, when I was done I had a drawing of a wolf on a hill, sitting alone under a tree and howling at the moon. I sighed and grabbed my sketch pad as the bell went. Going back to my locker I put my pad in my bag and started riding home.

Luckily I didn't have to steal anything tonight. So I slept soundly that night.

Shi no ōkami: Kuro Tachibana. ( Dance with Devils)Where stories live. Discover now