Stella's Cold

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First of all, I would like to thank every single one of you that have stuck with this story or have just picked it up. It really means a lot to me and I hope you enjoy this!

Extra-Stella's cold/Aren't I too Hot for This?

"A-ah-achoo!" Dammit all...

A sigh was clearly let out from the direction of the dorm room door. The weather had been quite lovely, almost like a spring day, lately. But of course, spring can make an unexpected turn and have freezing winds despite the bright sun's power. The past two or three days have been no exception on Festivia.

"I told you that you wouldn't make that jump. Did you listen? Nope." The bed-ridden patient cut her eyes to the young wind mage that tossed the statement out there, not a lick of empathy to be heard.

"How was I supposed to know the thing had wings???" Frizzled lavender hair shook as a shiver made its course through the speaker's raspy voice and clattering teeth.

"It doesn't matter if it had wings or not! Even after you could have caught it in the air you would have gone straight down just like what happened Wednesday!" The ravenette slammed the thermos filled with some sort of concoction on the bedside table in a fit of rage. "Honestly, we were all warned numerous times about the cold waters of the river that flows beneath that cliff, and what do you do? You jump right off it and swan dive into the river." The animal eared girl wanted to say something but decided against it both not wanting to anger Kate or make the cold any worse. Instead she sat under the heated glare of the normally sweet persona. "Let's see. What else am I missing?" She paused in her rant momentarily to sarcastically tap her chin in mock thought. "Oh I know, how about the fact that you jumped from a 30 foot cliff into rushing cold water when you can't even swim!?" The volume was raised after each word to see if Stella could finally understand the fault in her own logic.

Kate, exhausted by the pent up rant, plopped down in a nearby chair and held her head in her hands. "I seriously think that we should just wrap you up in a hamster ball covered in bubble wrap most days..." She trailed off with yet another winded sigh.

"Oh come on. It's not that bad. I didn't break any bones," A cheerful sick smile was tacked onto the end of the sentence in hopes of lighting the mood somewhat.

"That's because you landed in water," Came a muffled reply. Kate really was trying to control herself.

"Well I made it out of the river okay." A quieter reply sounded out. Stella started to pull the covers over her head.

"YEAH RIGHT! The other guards had to dive in and drag your ass to shore so they could perform CPR!" Kate lifted her head to get that point across. She never understood how Stella could be as dumb as ever yet as sharp as one of her well-kept knives at the same time.

"At least I'm alive and have my staff back..." Stella's voice was muffled and her ears were pressed against her head as she buried herself in a mountain of blankets.

Kate lolled her head to rest on the back of the chair as she essentially melted from stress. "Yes Stella, at least you're alive. Minus the now awful cold you have." She rolled her grey eyes and suddenly remembered the soup she had brought that the cafeteria lady made Stella.

"I guess I understand why it's called a cold now. I think I need more blankets..." Stella complained and tried to wiggle her way further into the nest of blankets she wormed herself into when she felt a little warmer.

Kate hummed to herself in thought before reaching over to touch Stella's forehead. "You still feel cold? Maybe I should check your temperature." Upon touching the surface of her skin, Kate quickly yanked her hand away with an indignant yell. "What the hell Stella? You're on fire. I thought you said you felt cold?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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