Chapter 2

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Mitch POV

I was looking over the case file with Scott and Kevin. Then it hit me that there might something deeper that might be the cause of their hatred for each other. So I decided to look on their Facebook profiles. As I was looking through Kirstie's profile, I found something BIG.

"Scott, Kevin come here!!!!!" I yelled to them. "What's up Mitchie??"  Scott said. "So as I was looking through the case file, I thought there had to be more to this than them just hating each other for no apparent reason. Then I looked through her Facebook and I won't believe what I found." I told them. Kevin looked on the screen, then he said, "They dated four years ago. While her and Jeremy were off again, her and Avi dated for about 3 years. And it looks her and Avi had a good time. They were really happy together from what  it looks like."

Scott looked at all the pictures for about 10 minutes. "What do you think could be the cause them hating each other?" Kevin piped up, "Maybe he was ready to settle down with her and she wasn't ready?" Scott and I both looked at Kevin.

Once we got that over with, I found what we were looking for, so I said, "Anyway... I think we have our explanation. Avi posted about it on his page. 'For those who don't know, Kirstie and I are not together. She did cheat on me with her ex, which hurt me. For those who know the whole story, she was my everything and I couldn't have been happier. I was thinking about proposing to her next week because of how much she meant to me. There was so many things about her that I loved including her beautiful blonde hair. I could see myself spending the rest of my life with her for sure. We lived together and we were talking about the possibility of getting married one day. Now it just makes me hate her for what she did because she broke my heart💔'. Damn, that's deep. That's why he hates her." The light goes off Scott's head. "I ran into Kirstie this morning at the club. She was sleeping in her car. I wanted to make sure she was ok. So I can go and say hi. Maybe I can bring a bottle of wine and hang out with her and get to the nitty gritty of the problem on her end." Kevin and I nod our heads in agreement.

Scott POV

I saw Kirstie last night at the club, so I offered to go to their apartment and hang out maybe strike some sort of relationship with her, friendship of course. I went out and got some wine and cheese and crackers. Hey, you gotta bring food if you have wine, to soak up the alcohol. I drove to Kirstie and Avi's apartment. Found out what apartment they live in, and what number. And knocked on the door. Kirstie answered which is what I wanted. "Hello are you Kirstin?" She immediately replied, "Yes I am. Who are you?" I told her, "Scott, I was at the club last night. I basically saved your life last night.

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